Very good Widget plugin, but needed some tweaks
This is a full-featured replacement for the bundled WordPress ‘latest posts’ widget. Unfortunately, this plugin doesn’t have the line separators that the WordPress widget makes (which it should), so I tweaked some code to fix that:
<div class="scpcontainer<?php echo $lastcont; ?>"> <ul> <?php $scporder = array(); $feat_image = ''; $feat_image = wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID) ); $pluginurl = site_url('/wp-content/plugins/simple-seo-categories-posts/timthumb.php'); if ($displthumb == 'displthumb' && $feat_image != '') { // get thumb $scporder[$thumborder] = ' <div class="scpthumb"> <a href="'. get_permalink($post->ID) .'" title="'. get_the_title($post->ID) .'"> <img src="'. $pluginurl .'?src='. $feat_image .'&w='. $thumbwidth .'&h='. $thumbheight .'&zc='. $thumbcrop .'" width="'. $thumbwidth .'" height="'. $thumbheight .'" title="'. get_the_title($post->ID) .'" alt="'. get_the_title($post->ID) .'" /> </a> </div> '; } if ($disptitle == 'disptitle') { // get title $scporder[$titleorder] = ' <li> <div class="scptitle"> <a href="'. get_permalink($post->ID) .'" title="'. get_the_title($post->ID) .'">'. get_the_title($post->ID) .'</a> </div> </li> '; } if ($dispdate == 'dispdate') { // get date $scporder[$dateorder] = '<div class="scpdate">'. get_the_date() .'</div> '; } if ($dispauthor == 'dispauthor') { // get date $scporder[$authororder] = '<div class="scpauthor">'. $beforeauthor .get_the_author_link() .'</div> '; } if ($exclength > 0 && $displexc == 'displexc') { // get excerpt $scporder[$excorder] = '<div class="scptext">'. scpexcerpt($exclength) .'</div>'; } if ($exclength == 0 && $displexc == 'displexc') { $scporder[$excorder] = '<div class="scptext">'. get_the_excerpt() .'</div>'; } ksort($scporder); foreach ($scporder as $scpkey => $scpoutput) { echo $scpoutput; } ?> </ul> </div>
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