6scan – a simple must have tool
6scan is a simple to use, must have tool for your wordpress site. I operate 3 different wordpress sites using various plugins. With 6scan, I know that whatever I choose to plugin, I can do so with confidence that this little technology is watching my back.
The technology works simply and easily installs on any WP instance. It scans your site in just a few minutes. If it discovers something, rather than just saying, “hey, you have a problem.” It instantly patches and plugs the problem. And yes, you do have to pay for this automation. But, for the frugal webmaster, you can always follow their instructions to repair at no cost.
No one disputes that code is imperfect. The stats on vulnerabilities in code is pretty staggering. Combine that with crowd sourcing from the WP framework, and you essentially changed your odds…the odds being in your favor that your site is going to get hacked. It’s that simple. Anyone using this framework knows it has its flaws. So, don’t be naive to think its safe. This is why you use products like 6scan. Regardless if the frame work heals or the author patches, 6scan delivers automatic remediation to vulnerabilities in the frame work or plug-ins or other. I have close to 13 years in the security business. A lot products can tell you where there are holes, flaws, or risks. Others can help you manage the remediation. 6scan combines both into a consumer-like delivery mechanism right from your wordpress instance that prevents vulnerabilities from being exploited real-time.
For those of you who think its a scam, I’m sorry you have such sentiments. You should reconsider. With Google, MSFT and other releasing Malicious URL feeds, being blacklisted will instantly kill traffic to your site. Anyone who has not been blacklisted, you are in for a treat. None of the security or search companies will give you any attention or assistance to fix your site reputation once it’s in the toilet.
Bottomline: Good product, easy to use, simple, inexpensive and may just safe @$$ when you need it.
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