• Hello! My name is Philip Ferreira and I help run one of the largest mainstream consumer publications in the United States (Reviewboard Magazine). We use wordpress. About 2 months ago we had an issue where we got his with some malware and google listed us as a malware site. This was a big deal because every one of our visitors was hit with a interupt message from their browser saying “We prevented you from going to this site because it is a known malware site”. Our team tried to get rid of the malware for 2 days. We were in a panic. I found the Anti-Malware removal plugin and installed it. I had a few issues with the setup because I’m not the IT guy (and because I wasn’t trying to have him involved I wanted to fix what he couldn’t and show him up <grin>). I left a message on the Anti-Malware site asking for a little direction. DIRECTION HA! Eli contacted me, asked me if I would consider letting him have an admin login. I was desperate, and I saw that he had done this with a few others on his site with positive results so I trusted him. It was worth it. I want to say 15 minutes went by and Eli contacted me to tell me the site was clear of all malware and I could resubmit to google to get removed from the malware list. EVERYTHING has been better since. I scan with his tool weekly now, and I actually found something with a tim exploit last week. This plugin is worth any price. I just finished a review on our website and gave it a best buy award. It is that damn good. If you are interested it’s located here: https://www.reviewboard.com/?p=7444

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