• Hey, i just have the problem, that the Plugin loading the images in big-size (/…/uploads/2016/06/July-1024×768.jpg),

    i would really like to have it in thumbnail size or small size because of Google Optimazation.

    How can i change it?

    [lptw_recentposts layout="grid-medium" post_type="post" link_target="self" category_id="46" fluid_images="true" min_height="0" space_hor="10" space_ver="10" columns="3" order="DESC" orderby="date" posts_per_page="3" post_offset="0" reverse_post_order="false" exclude_current_post="false" thumbnail_size="thumbnail" color_scheme="dark" override_colors="false" text_color="#ffffff" excerpt_show="true" excerpt_lenght="35" ignore_more_tag="false" read_more_show="false" read_more_inline="false" read_more_content="Lese mehr →" show_date_before_title="true" show_date="true" show_time="true" show_time_before="true" show_subtitle="true" date_format="d.m.Y" time_format="H:i" no_thumbnails="show"]


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  • Thread Starter khermann


    I just changed in
    lptw-recent-posts.php in line 1459:
    $thumb_grid = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id($post_id), 'medium' );

    There has been a “large” before i changed it.
    But it would be great if i could choose a size in the shortcode.

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