Hi Jeremy,
Thanks for the quick response!
They use the dashboard editor to post, which is what I did. We do have Visual Composer on the site.
I didn’t schedule it – just published it directly.
I installed “User Switching” so I could see what our client was doing and if she had things hooked up right, and it appears she did. But that installation was after the install.
Nothing in wp-config related to disabling WP Cron.
I use BackupBuddy, and they have a “Server Tools” report. I go to the tab “WordPress Schedules (Cron) and see several jetpack cron related events scheduled. But there is the event “jetpack_sync_cron” that is listed. It has a warning that says “Next run time has passed. It should have run 1 min ago. Cron problem?”
– then I try to run it, and the result says “Invalid CRON job. Not found.” This is displayed at the top of the page.
– there are many other cron jobs that have run, all successfully.
We are using the free version of Comet Cache. I disabled it and did another test. No change for me.
Below are the list of plugins we’re using.
Admin Post Navigation
Black Studio TinyMCE Widget
CC Mortgage Calculator
Comet Cache
Events Manager
EWWW Image Optimizer
Facebook stream
Gravity Forms
Heartbeat Control
iThemes Security Pro
Jetpack by WordPress.com
Simple History
Tailored Login
TinyMCE Advanced
Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer
User Switching
WP Google Maps
WP Google Maps – Gold Add-on
WP Google Maps – Pro Add-on
WPBakery Visual Composer