• I just put a copy of my documentation.
    please help me.I installed wordpress locally and can reach it via localhost, and I have done all the settings, and have already read a zillion of people asking different questions about dashboard.but as I told you, this is localhost, there shouldn’t be any problem!

    it drove me crazy!
    as I told, my installation is on localhost, and everything works fine, unless that my login page, and dashboard are not loading correctly. not only that, but even my wordpress first install page was not as shown in the guides.
    I just let you see my documentation of the install process.
    I use Fedora 24. Installed Lamp with Mariadb 10.~.16 and phpmyadmin and so many other things.

    This is my Documentation:

    Sunday 21 August 2016
    1. 10:00 ==> Install wordpress. Based on https://www.tecmint.com/install-wordpress-using-lamp-or-lemp-on-rhel-centos-fedora
    2. 12:00 ==> Problem with mysql. Searching for issues and trying to solve.
    3. 12:27:39 ==> Make some tea, and take my dog to sleep on the sofa.
    4. 12:32:25 ==> found this: https://www.tecmint.com/install-apache-mysql-php-on-redhat-centos-fedora. Trying it.
    5. 13:12:39 ==> there was a problem with blender: solved one part of mariadb here: https://www.rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=libjemalloc.so.1()(64bit), and ran this in the terminal: dnf install httpd MariaDB-client MariaDB-server php php-common, works like a charm now. Going for some tea.
    6. 13:36:36 ==> Got php working an apache too. Everything’s going well, except for MariaDB. I should be doing something wrong. Check the screenshot for phpinfo().

    7. 15:00:26 ==> Nothing up to now. Checked this video in Youtube and fixed some part, but I still get an error, different from the first one. Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXjJRrbKjp0.
    8. 20:14:08 ==> Reading MariaDB documentation from A-Z in here: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/getting-installing-and-upgrading-mariadb.

    Monday 22 August 2016

    1. 20:08:55 ==> frustrated with all the nonsense ideas from web, mariadb knowledge base and many others, I searched “step by step installation of mysql on fedora 24”, and went on to: https://www.tecmint.com/install-lamp-apache-mariadb-php-fedora-24-server-workstation. Let’s see what happens next.
    2. 23:28:23 ==> Fork me, I’m Done! After deadly anger and much more frustration I deleted MariaDB which I have installed yesterday in the updates. Some parts went on, but still the problem persisted, then I checked the Google again and found this: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/[email protected]/thread/VRCVO3NRZXJO3B7RLBBS5GYEB6OX7LXS. A guy named Maderios found he problem on July 14th, 2016. he writes and I quote:

    Hi I discovered that, strangely, dnf doesn’t delete mysql installation in /var/lib/mysql when I uninstall old Mysql. Mariadb tried to use /var/lib/mysql/*, that’s why it did not work After removing this directory, I can start mariadb. Greetings – Maderios

    So, I did a rm -rf of the fuck face directory and boom, everything is OK. This shit took more than 2 weeks of my project, which is not documented here. Anyway, moving on. Mariadb is set now and everything is on the right track up to now. Also, the LAMP install process was based on this: https://www.tecmint.com/install-lamp-apache-mariadb-php-fedora-24-server-workstation.
    3. 00:08:02 ==> OK. I’m done for now. Got it all done. Just there is a final error 404 not found for the php. Gotta eat something and take Finnegan out.

    Tuesday 23 August 2016
    1. 16:35:17 ==> Review of all things done. Trying to solve the 404 problem.
    2. 17:47:06 ==> Well, found nothing on the issue which could help. I think I’ve got to redo the whole process again plus uninstalling and installing all the components. However, I am going to give it another shot to see what might have gone wrong.
    3. 18:16:34 ==> Fuck Face! I have out the <Virtual host> at the end of the http.conf which means it’s out of the reach of the server or not included in the execution list. So I brought it back a little higher in the file before the announcement of end of the file and it gave me error in connecting to database. Well, did some research and got nothing again. Read some of the information in the terminal and did some nasty tricks such as letting selinux to let the requests pass the security and blah and then added my info of mysql to the wp-config again for the mysql. Bam! It’s final. It’s done now. See for yourself. The screenshot.

    4. 18:17:01 ==> the next stop is installation of wordpress son of a bitch.
    5. 18:26:24 ==> Well, it works. Hello world!
    6. 18:44:41 ==> There are two problems now. One is that phpmyadmin dies not show and give 404 error and the other is that the dashboard doesn’t seem to work right since it doesn’t show up properly. Check the screenshots.

    For phpmyadmin.

    WordPress Dashboard:
    7. 18:55:43 ==> seemed like I haven’t installed phpmyadmin. Dnfed it and now it works. Check the screenshot.

    8. 20:09:27 ==> Up to now, I had no success in correcting the wordpress dashboard. Now I take some rest and take my dog out. Will check again tonight. I’ve got to finish it for now.
    Wednesday 24 August 2016
    1. 01:28:51 ==> Trying some Persian guides. Also trying to install wordpress desktop.
    2. 02:12:19 ==> No good came out. Just idiotic ideas of if there is a plugin mix up or so. Like we are idiots or what!!! I think I have to do a delete and then a clean installation again.
    3. 02:55:49 ==> Well! Deleted Everything of wordpress origin. Will do it again now.
    4. 03:09:11 ==> Doing the installation of wordpress again, based on this: https://www.linode.com/docs/websites/cms/how-to-install-and-configure-wordpress. Let us see what comes through. I’m doing it in my home directory now.
    5. 05:09:07 ==> Installed, uninstalled, reinstalled, fixing, editing, modifying; you name it. I did it and nothing happened! So tired right now. By the way calypso wordpress desktop didn’t work either.

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