• After lots of good advice from the good folks here in the WordPress forum, I’m breaking things down, bit by bit, on my site — focusing on getting each aspect working. Properly.
    So, can anyone help me with my header?
    It displays OK in Firefox, but in IE the x-repeating background doesn’t extend all the way. And the title is too high. Is my usage of CSS divs and positioning a good idea here? I’m pretty much making things up as I go along.
    Also, the top left image is using photomatt’s rotate.php scheme. It rotates more often with IE…it hardly ever seems to rotate with Firefox — is that just a difference in how the browsers cache (though Firefox doesn’t rotate when I reload either)?
    Any assistance is appreciated!

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  • “So, can anyone help me with my header?
    “It displays OK in Firefox, ***but in IE the x-repeating background doesn’t extend all the way.”***
    Consider yourself lucky.
    “I’m pretty much making things up as I go along.”
    “Any assistance is appreciated!”
    Use ROOT’s 2col layout.
    No images– none, background or other wise.
    Keep it simple.
    Very, very simple.
    No more than one font: Times New Roman or Arial.
    No more than 3 colors: #000000 (black) #c0c0c0 (silver) and one other.
    We’ll get it going. Slowly. Very, very slowly. Gradually, it will become more, and more complex. So complex that it will blow your mind.

    And once you get your layout fixed up willnea will do the artistic and typography thing. Then you will be really rocking. @ willnea thanks ??

    Here’s a link to ROOT’s template:
    I’ll be with you. We’re gonna make it happen. Post on the the samethread so that I’ll be able to find you.

    Thread Starter paticoflange


    Thanks for the advice. Simple, however, is not an option — I am not going for simple. This isn’t going to be an ASCII blog afterall, but a multimedia download site. Color scheme is going to be reasonable, and there will be three columns (right now I’m thinking: middle fluid, left and right floating menus).
    I need to make it work as it is, and I know it’s not impossible.
    Can anyone help me get working what it is that I’m looking to do? This header seems to almost work — what more needs to be done? How can I tweak it to make it look right in the major browsers?
    My site is not meant for everyone — my audience must have high speed internet connections. I realize that’s a small amount of people, but my target demographics already present a smaller group anyway (those whom the content will please and will be able/willing to download it).
    One of the first things one does when making a site is choosing the audience. That has long since been done. Font choices and the like are for future considerations. How can I polish this header?

    Buy the book?

    Thread Starter paticoflange


    Which book would that be Root?

    The offer stands, should you decide to walk before you run.

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