@gamingage — can you provide more details about this issue?
The code that was causing the slow responses a year ago doesn’t exists in the current version 1.8.8; so I doubt the problem that you are experiencing is related to the same bug. If you can provide more details about the experience that you are having I could investigate the issue and fix the problem immediately.
Here is a list of things that you could tell me:
- Does your hosting provider uses a custom DNS server? There is a piece of code in the plugin that is executing a DNS lookup on startup, if the DNS server that your hosting provider is using is too slow, it may affect the performance of this code and consequently the performance of your website.
- How often do you notice the slow load times? Is it at a specific hour of the day or all the time for every page load? I ask this because there is a scheduled task that runs every 24 hours, and it does something that in rare cases could be resource intensive. Noticing a slow load time at a specific time of the time would point us to this piece of code, otherwise we could look into something else.
- Although, this shouldn’t be the problem, but how much time does it takes to receive a response from this website https://wordpress.sucuri.net/ from your server? Can you use CURL to execute a GET/POST request against that domain? If yes, what is the execution time?
- Can you check if this file exists?
and if it does, can you check how many lines does it contains? This is basically the new storage system for the events that replaced the real-time reporting using the API a year ago. Instead of sending this data to our server immediately we send it to this file, this way the latency of the API service will never affect the responsiveness of your website.
I have more questions, but these could do for now. Please answer them all.