• https://test.webmeba.com/

    I was just wondering what you guys would say on this.

    I haven’t tested it in IE or Opera yet, just FF and there is still plenty to do. But at this stage, what would you say?

    (btw Eish! means “wow” in Zulu)

Viewing 14 replies - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)
  • Not bad looking at all. Nice and clean

    Consider using max-width and min-width instead of a fixed width, though IE6 doesn’t support the min/max. I’d also increase the font size a little bit, at least for the comments.

    On the main page, the “Comments” and “View” links for each post don’t line up for me. I don’t have Lucida Grande installed, and Firefox is using Verdana (the next in line under your stylesheet). Set Verdana as the main font family and you should be able to see what I mean.

    Will there be excerpts shown on the front page?

    All-in-all, this is a very clean/uncluttered theme.

    Thread Starter Webmeba


    Right, I fixed all the font problmes and increased the font size in the comments.

    I’ll probably add max/min – width soon.

    Any other comments?

    Looks fabu in Opera 9.24. But in IE7, and especially IE6, not so much. I can get you screen dumps if you want. There’s only one issue to contend with in IE7 and that is that the left column drops down. In IE6, it does that also, and the Comments and View are misaligned as well.

    I like the design and the layout, a little off the beaten path as far as the way things are laid out. I think it would be great for a WRITER blogger, someone who doesn’t post too many photos or videos, but has a text-rich blog.

    Thread Starter Webmeba


    Thanks for the comment,

    the theme now works in IE7 and IE6, and it is almost ready for release.

    But still, does anybody else have any comments? I’d love to hear a health critique of my theme.

    I like it very much…
    I think it can be a great base for many things..

    Are there going to be any images to coinside with the css or will it all just be a strict css template?

    Thread Starter Webmeba



    This theme will use CSS exclusively (apart from the quote.png image used in quotes).

    Personally I think that including images into free WP themes is not, usually, what users want. Furthermore, I don’t think including images would make the theme look better, and images would certainly not help load time.

    What i didnt like is that in front page there r 3 links to the post (title, comment, view) but not a word of the post itsself. I would prefer a title and underneath an excerpt, or few words, maybe the post tags or the date posted, something more anyway. The title has no format (no bold, no color, no H) but only if you pass the mouse on it and that doesnt makes it look like a… title! (if u r a king u gotta look like a king).

    What i like is that Eish! is really clean and nice, it has a unique “forum style” and will be an excellent base for anyone wanting to customize it. It’s a clean and wide theme but IMHO now looks empty.

    Thread Starter Webmeba



    I think you’re actually right, it would pay of to have some sort of excerpt in place. Thanks for the critique i really appreciate it.

    Thread Starter Webmeba


    There we go, does it look any better now?


    Well i think that it started having it’s own style. You could think a few details that could make it show “fancy” like make each block (both title and excerpt) change to a pal light color when mouseover, maybe thicker but smaller dates, don’t know, that’s up to you now. But it certainly looks LOT better now (for my taste).

    [offtopic]When i first show Eish! i knew i have seen a similar forum-style theme but couldnt remember where. I finally did. It s the TDO Forum Theme which is a WordPress build to look exactly like a forum! If i was designing Eish! i would add some functions from TDO Forum which is full of functions but lacks of style.[/offtopic]

    Thread Starter Webmeba


    Again, I completely agree. I’ll still work on the style for a bit.

    As for your offtopic comment, thanks for pointing me to TDO Forum Theme. I browsed through it and found it really interesting.

    For now though, I’ll stick to just a normal theme. Once i’m finished with the normal Eish! I’ll definitely move on to maybe Eish! Forums or something, in which (as you said), I would use forum-like features.

    thanks ??

    Site looks good, I like the simplicity of the design. I would, however, consider moving comment count under the date rather then above.

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