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  • The reply by sungamr seems to be best answer as you can use a filter to disable the storefront credits link, like so:

    function custom_remove_footer_credit(){
        return false;

    Add the above code to your child theme functions.php file and the credits link will be removed.

    Using the theme editor within WordPress is not recommended because if you make any PHP errors within your code you could be faced with a blank white screen and not be able to login to your Dashboard.

    I would recommend using an FTP client (like FileZilla), and downloading the contents of your child theme folder to your computer, then edit the file(s) accordingly using any text editor, notepad is fine.

    Re-upload the files to your child theme folder, overwriting the original files to see the changes, but always be sure to make regular back-up’s of the files you’re editing.

    Hope this helps.

    Thread Starter truegritgs


    Thanks so much ThemeSumo – Have never used .php, so am reading up on how to add it.

    Do you add this code anywhere between the heads?

    I would recommend that you look into creating and activating a Child Theme as it really does make life much easier when it comes to making code modifications.

    I’ve checked this recent guide and it contains everything you require to make your own child theme, its only a couple of files, a style.css file for your CSS and functions.php file for your PHP.

    You would add the code I gave you earlier within the functions.php file, you can keep adding more customizations to this file later too, same with the CSS file, you can keep adding as much custom CSS code as you require to customize the Parent Theme to suit your needs.

    And because you’re using a child theme, when you update the parent theme, your custom code will be preserved because it isn’t a part of the parent theme itself, its safely tucked away within the child theme.

    Let me know how you get on.

    Thread Starter truegritgs


    I am using the WOO Storefront child theme Pro Shop. When I go to enter the .php this is what I get:

    So I downloaded ‘them customizations’ from Git Hub, which is what their support recommended I do, and get this:

    I don’t know .php and you’re probably reticent to offer any more advice. I have no idea where in the templates (above) to place the .php code, to remove the Woo tag line.

    I’m just an end-user, a paper book designer, who knows just enough CSS and XHTML, but not .php or java. I just want to remove the Woo Theme credit line. Submitted a support request to WOO three days ago and they said I needed to purchase an extension that would provide a toggle switch to remove the footer text. However, there was no toggle switch, just three buttons to change color.

    Resubmitted the request to WOO support, but at this juncture, perhaps its best that I turn to a platform such as Big Commerce. I absolutely love WordPress and the great plugins the designers create. It’s like magic, really.

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