Problem with Custom Fields not available.
Toolset > Post Fields > Staff Bios
When I enter this area I’m seeing this:
Front end Display
The Bios archive of your theme is missing custom fields.
Visit the Bios archive
ResolveWe have 4 types listed but when I go into my Bios page I should be a box under where the regular content would go would be that section where the 4 types can be added but its not there. I’d send a screen shot so its easier to see what I’m talking about but we can’t post images here.
I do not see a Screenshot.
That Box with the message you see is to help you to create your Content and display it.
You are missing your Custom Fields section in the post Edit screen most probably because you did not choose the Post type in the Field Settings “Where to include this Field Group” forum doesn’t allow for including screen shots. I’d send you some if you send me back an email address?
I’ll check out the link you sent me and read more about it.I already have a type named Bios. Within Bios I have
Staff Bios
Job Title (textfield)
Staff Email (email)
Staff Phone (phone)
Joined Company (numeric)Its already there so why am I seeing In the Front-end Display > Archive > The Bios archive of your theme is missing custom fields. > Resolve ?
When I go to the Bios where I have people listed I click on one of them for example then I scroll down below where the content is and your Types aren’t showing and they should be.
The Bios archive of your theme is missing custom fields.
Visit the Bios archive
ResolveAs I mentioned I already have them created. Its just not showing below the content box. Others are showing, Images, SEO, Meta Description.
Front-End Display but in Front End Display is where I see the error from yours and my Bios choices are there.I think you did not create an archive.php that includes those Custom Fields.
You can do that and the message should disappear.
It is nothing to worry if you decide to not display Custom Fields on your Posts archives.
I have no idea how to create the archive.php
Do you have an email address so I can send you screen shots since they can’t be added here.
What I’m saying is that when I’m in a section that I’ve created and named Bios I enter a title and content. Then underneath the content box I have Front End Display and in that is where your error is. “The Bios archive of your theme is missing custom fields.” The fields ARE created, so why am I seeing the error?
When I enter Post Types I click Bios, then in Post Types to be shown as columns in Post Type listing in Word Press Admin, I have Staff Bios and four check mark boxes, Job Title, Staff email, Staff Phone, Joined Company. All 4 are checked (enabled). Then just under the check marks I see them where you can reorder them if you choose to. I Save Post Type. Then I go into the Bios Page where the Bios are, Front End Display box still shows the error and no box(area) where those 4 items I just mentioned aren’t there to fill in the fields with info.
I hope I’ve made sense here or send me an email address where I can send you screen shots.
Your theme probably has an archive.php
You can read here how to create one, or to customise it, which should be done in a Child themeWe do not share Emails in WordPress Public Forums, I am sorry.
You can use other Services to upload your ScreenShots, and use the links to share them here.“The Bios archive of your theme is missing custom fields.”
As I stated above, this is telling you, the Fields you created are not displayed on your Archive of that Post type.
You (since you do not use any other Toolset Components) will need to use Custom PHP to display those Fields on your Post type archives.If you feel like we should look into your system, please come over to our Support Forum where we can do this.
It’s free.
I’ve uploaded five screen shots to my Drop Box account for you to look at. This will show you what I’m talking about as its just to difficult to explain typing it out in text.
1.png – This is from the Bios page. The Front-end Display is right under the content box.
2.png – This is the area just under the Front-end Display section. The issue is that there was 4 boxes and not 3 as you see here. Something happened but I’m not sure what. The 4 check boxes that you see in screen shot 5.png was there but now gone.
3.png – See this.
4.png – Bios
5.png – As you see they are created, they’re just not showing as I explained above.
You reply said to
There already is an archive.php in my custom template directory. I’ve also uploaded it to Drop Box where the screen shots are.One thing I wanted to mention here is that the person who created the site is no longer involved. I took it over. I was informed that the Bios options that are supposed to appear just below the content box on the Bios page WAS there but as you saw in the screen shots its not anymore. Something has happened to cause it not to show up anymore. What could have gone wrong and how can it be fixed without creating a whole new Toolset?
I do not see those Fields in your Post Edit Screen.
And the issue with the Front end Display is as said, NOT related.
It simply informs you that the archive, is not showing those Fields.
This has nothing to do with if those fields are present in Post Edit Screens, or already created.
Those messages appear actually ONLY if the fields exist.
So, I have to log in and see what is wrong.
Can you please follow my previous post and post in the forum mentioned?
Then we can login, see what’s wrong and fix it.On the left side under Toolset there’s only Post Fields & Post Types. No Post Edit.
I’ve set up a login for you so you can see what’s going on in there.
Be aware that this site is a duplicate of the production site (dev site) that I use to test with before actually doing it on the production site. So whatever you do to fix the issue you’ll have to be very specific on what you did so I can do the same on the production site. What country are you in?
UN: Beda_Toolset
PW: aWAmcVuMENjbPdLYhSQcf4I1I can not accept Login data here.
This Forum is public, and we do not log in to users sites here.
This is not only against Toolset Policy, it’s also against WP policy to share login, Email, and other stuff here.
Please, can you post this issue in our Forum, where it will be handled?
there is no Post edit under Toolset/Types because you need to edit Posts in Dashboard > your post type > edit.
We can talk all along here, it will not be possible to explain you the functionality of this, without the possibility to share you properly ScreenShots and see in your system, why things are missing as you mention.
Please remove the above Access Details immediately, or make sure the Login details are changed on your site.
This is for your own security.I don’t have a login to your support forum. Not registered either.
And I can’t EDIT that post where I have the login info. There’s no EDIT link to click on.
I just went back into the WP Admin and deleted the login I created for you. I can edit this most recent post and not any prior posts here.
You can register.
It is free.
It is necessary to assist you.
I am sorry that you can not edit the above reply.
It is good that you deleted those access data.
Please create a Free Types account, you will need it in future since you now administrate a Website with a Plugin that you are not familiar with.
We will help you with this in the forums.
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