• i have a page in this page i use wp_query , this query run only with admin , the result of query is different base run query Date
    i want using wp_mail function for submit result query to my email
    how can insert query result in body of email?

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    How you want the email to appear affects what code you would use. If a raw data dump is adequate, something like this might work (on your page template):

    $args = array( /*Your custom query args here*/ );
    $query = new WP_Query( $args );
    wp_mail( '[email protected]', 'Query Result', print_r( $query, true ));

    If all you wanted was the posts found, not the entire query object, print_r $query->posts instead of just $query.

    If you want the email to look more like a webpage, you could collect the output from the loop using PHP’s output buffer, then email the buffer content. For this to work the content will need all applicable CSS included in a style block, the usual external CSS will not come through in emails.

    You also need to set the MIME type to ‘text/html’ with the ‘wp_mail_content_type’ filter for the email to appear like a webpage.

    You might want to add a conditional to send the email only when the current user is yourself, or else you’ll get email anytime anyone requests the page, including search bots.

    Thread Starter salar2016


    this is my code

    'key' => 'janer',
    'value'   => 'drama',
    'compare' => '==',
    'tax_query' => array(
              'relation' => 'AND',
    	     'taxonomy' => 'age',
    	     'terms' => $slg1,
    	     'field' => 'slug'
    	     'taxonomy' => 'publisher',
    	     'terms' => $wslg1,
    	     'field' => 'slug'
    $query = new WP_Query( $args );
      <?php while ( $query->have_posts()) : $query->the_post();
               	$datetime = strtotime($post->post_date);
    if( $datetime < ( time() - (60 * 60 * 24 * 200 ) ) ) { ?>
    • <?php the_title(); ?>
    • <?php } endwhile; wp_mail( '[email protected]', 'Query Result', print_r( $query->posts, true )); ?>

    i want email only title of post founded in thsi query then email result to my email
    thank you!

    Moderator bcworkz


    Before the while loop, initiate a variable within which we can collect titles for the email.
    $titles = "";

    Within the loop collect the titles, instead of or in addition to the_title(); :
    $titles .= get_the_title() . "\r\n"; //remove '\r' if your email's titles are double spaced and you don't like that.

    Then email the result. Change our wp_mail() line to this:
    wp_mail( '[email protected]', 'Query Result', $titles );

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