• Hey guys, my friend wanted me to take a look at his wordpress blog site because he was having problems after upgrading.

    I’m good with this sort of thing so I offered to help. I read a bit about wordpress first and examined the file structure he had. There were duplicates of several files and files outside of his site root. He said they all showed up when he tried to upgrade. Here is his site


    As you can see the content is all fucked up and the navigation is at the bottom of the page.

    I HAD it fixed but he said he went to make a post from /wp-admin and it fucked it up again. How could this possibly fuck up the css layout by just adding a post?

    his current file structure is this.. perhaps its the two versions conflicting? If thats the case, what folder can I save so KEEP his content, and delete all the conflicting shit and start fresh…

    Actually as I look right now he deleted all the replicate folders… can you look at this perhaps and see if any of these are out of place or which folder I might have to replace and whatnot…


    I really wanna help my buddy out. anything would be appreciated


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  • Thread Starter lifeofplants


    any ideas? :/

    You know that people will still understand what you mean if you say *messed up* instead of *FUCKED UP*.

    It’s not working because some of the files are missing, you can just fixed by uploading them back to the server, but it seems like you have delete all the files now so …

    Move on.

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