@shannon You can upload image icons but for using font-awesome icon you have to upgrade to pro. Since the WordPress guidelines not allowing us to add custom setting in widgets for adding content which is not a part of core. We added that setting in the widget itself in the premium version.
But if you want to do it with lite version you can do the following.
- Since its a sidebar section , you can also use third party widgets for adding that type of layout.
- Or you can optionally add the following HTML snippet in the text widget without specifying widget title.
<a class="service-icon" href="#"><i class="fa fa-wheelchair"></i></a><h2><a href="#">Medical Guidance</a></h2><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipricies sem Unlimited ColorsCras pulvin, maurisoicituding adipiscing, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consect adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euis udin</p>
Anyways thanks for mentioning this , we are going to use get_the_post_thumbnail tag in the widget WBR : HC Page Widget for calling feature image. So that one can apply any custom html with help of filter or any third party widget.