My messages don't arrive
Hi there,
Some months ago I started to use the following function and I used this structure in my CF7 forms
[radio name_radio class:radiob "option1|test+TEST1@domain"] [radio name_radio class:radiob "option2|test+TEST2@domain"]
and It worked but now the emails are not arriving I test with[radio name_radio class:radiob "option1|[email protected]"] [radio name_radio class:radiob "option2|[email protected]"]
and it worked so…What can I do?
The plugin capture the data.
Id would apreciate your help, thanks in advance
Also if I remove the symbol + it works,
[radio name_radio class:radiob "option1|test@domain"] [radio name_radio class:radiob "option2|test@domain"]
but the plugin doesn’t capture the correct value.What value does it capture if not the right one?
Not all email systems recognize the “+xxxx” in the email. Gmail does (when I tried it last).
When I dont use the “+xxxx” my contact form 7 send the correct values to my email for example radiobuttonvalue1 or radiobuttonvalue2 or radiobuttonvalue3 but your plugin capture the same value like radiobuttonvalue1 or radiobuttonvalue1 or radiobuttonvalue1. If I use the “+xxxx” my contact form 7 doesn’t send anything to my email but the plugin capture the correct values like radiobuttonvalue1 or radiobuttonvalue2 or radiobuttonvalue3 . Some months ago it worked with the “+xxxx” but now it doesnt work.
Could you help me? pleasee
but your plugin capture the same value like radiobuttonvalue1 or radiobuttonvalue1
When you say the above, I don’t understand if you are saying it is capturing the right value or wrong value. The wording is confusing to me. A specific example showing what is in the shortcode and what is captured would help.
If I use the “+xxxx” my contact form 7 doesn’t send anything to my email but the plugin capture the correct values
This sounds like CFDB is behaving correctly because it is capturing the correct value. CFDB does not actually send any email, CF7 sends the email.
The correct way to do it is without “+xxxx” code (E.g. [email protected]) and that way your plugin doesnt work( it gets the wrong values) and CF7 works, the only reason that I use “+xxx” (E.g. [email protected]) is because that way your plugin capture the correct values but if I use “+xxx” my CF7 plugin doesnt send my mail so the problem is your plugin because it is not compatible with CF7, so I need a solution because I want to use both plugins, If I contact CF7 , they willl say that their plugin works perfectly because the correct and normal way to use an email is [email protected] without extra code. So please help me.
The need to use the “+xxxx” is to workaround a limitation in CF7 as is explained in the post.
From what you describe, using “+xxx” in an email doesn’t work. Not all mail systems accept those kinds of addresses. It sounds like yours does not. Again, CFDB doesn’t send the email, CF7 does. You should test sending an email to that address using your normal mail program. If it doesn’t work, then you need to put a unique valid email address for each option, otherwise CF7 gives CFDB no way to figure out the correct address when it is used more than one.
Mmmm… well it is not a limitation anymore, not in the lastest update because I repeat “If I don’t use “+xxx” , my CF7 form works perfectly” and it sends the messages with the correct values and it works fine without problems, but when I go to the CFDB section the values are incorrect . So , the CFDB is capturing the wrong values because it gets confused, I bought the CFDB editor, so I need that your plugin works fine. So could you give a solution please.
You don’t seem to grasp the nature of the limitation. Of course it works OK with just CF7 and its email. The issue is what information about the submission CF7 reveals to CFDB.
This conversation is confusing because it is conflating the issue of email delivery when an “+xxx” in an email address with what is saved by CFDB. These are separate issues.
Again: if you give me an example of the form with specific values and the specific values that are saved by CFDB, then I can better understand and assist you.
<div class="afsdp_phone_input">[text Telefono]</div> Nuestros asesores administrativos se pondrán en contacto. <div class="afsdp_tramite_radio">Seleccione su trámite: <div class="afsdp_area_title">área de Planillas</div> [radio Tramite_AFSDP class:radiob default:1 "Descuentos para pagos encargos de asociados en planillas y retención de haberes y transferencia a sus cuentas|[email protected]"] <div class="afsdp_area_title">Difusión de avisos</div> [radio Tramite_AFSDP class:radiob "De alquiler, venta de inmuebles, automóviles y enseres en la página web de la AFSDP|[email protected]"] <div class="afsdp_area_title">área de Contabilidad</div> [radio Tramite_AFSDP class:radiob "Pago de tributos a la SUNAT por trabajador del Hogar|[email protected]" "Pago de Tributos por Renta de Primera Categoría – Alquileres|[email protected]"] <div class="afsdp_area_title">Caja de Asistencia del Diplomático</div> [radio Tramite_AFSDP class:radiob "Otorgamiento de préstamos de la Caja de Asistencia del Diplomático|[email protected]"] <div class="afsdp_area_title">Ventas y suscripciones</div> [radio Tramite_AFSDP class:radiob "Venta de libros al contado y/o por descuento de planillas|[email protected]"] <div class="afsdp_area_title">Suscripción a Revistas Caretas</div> [radio Tramite_AFSDP class:radiob "Suscripción a Revistas Caretas|[email protected]"] </div> <div class="afsdp_mensaje">Ingrese opcionalmente un mensaje, este campo no es obligatorio:<br /> [textarea Su_Mensaje placeholder "Mensaje"] </div> [dynamichidden Usuario "CF7_get_current_user " ] [dynamichidden Nombre_de_Usuario "CF7_get_current_user key='user_firstname'" ] [dynamichidden Apellido_de_Usuario "CF7_get_current_user key='user_lastname'" ] [dynamichidden Email_de_Usuario "CF7_get_current_user key='user_email'" ] [dynamichidden Estado_De_Tramite] <p>[submit "Enviar"]</p>
ok thats the form, if I remove “+xxxx” CF7 works, but your plugin only get one value, for example :
[radio Tramite_AFSDP class:radiob "Otorgamiento de préstamos de la Caja de Asistencia del Diplomático|[email protected]"] <div class="afsdp_area_title">Ventas y suscripciones</div> [radio Tramite_AFSDP class:radiob "Venta de libros al contado y/o por descuento de planillas|[email protected]"]
In the code above are two values with the mail3 but your plugin always capture the first
If the code is this `[radio Tramite_AFSDP class:radiob “Otorgamiento de préstamos de la Caja de Asistencia del Diplomático|[email protected]”]
<div class=”afsdp_area_title”>Ventas y suscripciones</div>
[radio Tramite_AFSDP class:radiob “Venta de libros al contado y/o por descuento de planillas|[email protected]”]` with “+xxx” your plugin capture the correct values , but my CF7 doesnt send anything, only to the cc emailOK, I’m stepping through this.
(1) First I added the CF7 form definition you posted. I have the form email to my email, not to value of the field, just to start. And I haven’t added any code.
I submit choosing Otorgamiento de préstamos de la Caja de Asistencia del Diplomático
The CF7 email and CFDB both show [email protected] as expectedI submit choosing Venta de libros al contado y/o por descuento de planillas
The CF7 email and CFDB both show [email protected] which is what I expect at this point.(2) Now I added code from
I add function form_with_pipes_handler exactly
I add the following also (I named my form “emailtest”)function emailtest_form_handler($formData) // Use a different function name for each form { $formName = 'emailtest'; // change this to your form's name $fieldName = 'Tramite_AFSDP'; // change this to your field's name $newFieldName = $fieldName . '_email'; return form_with_pipes_handler($formName, $fieldName, $newFieldName, $formData); } add_filter('cfdb_form_data', 'emailtest_form_handler'); // ensure 2nd param matches above function name
(3) I repeat the 2 form submissions in (1).
I submit choosing Otorgamiento de préstamos de la Caja de Asistencia del Diplomático
In CFDB I see what I expect:
Tramite_AFSDP=Otorgamiento de préstamos de la Caja de Asistencia del Diplomático
[email protected]
I try choosing Venta de libros al contado y/o por descuento de planillas and submit
As I expect I see in CFDB:
Tramite_AFSDP=Venta de libros al contado y/o por descuento de planillas
[email protected]
All good so far. But now to test the sending of email.
(4) I go back to the form definition and set the Mail To field to [Tramite_AFSDP]
I change the emails in form definition to my GMail address and the second to my GMail address with “++AFSDP_6” in it.(5) I repeat the same 2 form submissions.
I see in CFDB the same as before (but my own emails now)
I get no error.
I receive both emails to my GMail account. The To field shows my email and my email “++AFSDP_6” in it as expected.Everything appears to work correctly.
With gmail works but with [email protected] doesnt work
Not all mail servers support that “+xxx” standard.
You still need to set a unique email string for each option. Alternatively, if you control your email server, you could create extra emails to use in the form but set them to all forward to one email.
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