Just to give you an explanation, using the shortcode specifying the URL is a convenience feature, it is merely allowing you to use the configured player in PowerPress on your web site. Doing so only displays the player and no other podcast meta data. This is becuase the URL itself does not contain enough information to know the file size or the duration.
When you use the Episode Entry box in PowerPress, you are able to set podcast specific meta data to the episode. At a bare minimum, it detects your episode’s file size as well as the duration (hh:mm:ss) of the episode. This is needed for iTunes and display purposes.
Expanding on episode meta data, you can go into the PowerPress Settings > Episodes tab and configure additional episode specific settings that you can configure. It is common for some podcasters to enable the iTunes Summary and Subtitle.
The PowerPress Shortcode
If you leave the PowerPress shorttcode as-is, e.g. [powerpress], it will display the podcast episode specified in the episode box. It is the equivalent of entering [powerpress channel=”podcast”]. If you never enable podcast channel podcasting, then the default channel “podcast” is assumed.
You can learn more about the PowerPress Shortcode and its options here: