• Hello,

    Wanted to share some code that took me some plugging to get working.

    My issue was the secondary mail I had set-up as an auto-responder, it was composed of complex HTML and there was some breaks and paragraphs breaking it due to CF7 autop on emails.

    Disabling WPCF7_AUTOP via wp-config.php didn’t seem to affect the email autop, and diving into the code there was no easy filter to disable it.

    Following these two posts I found a potential workaround using the wpcf7_mail_components filter;

    Sadly these failed as they’re only functioning on mail and not mail_2, so the secondary email was rendering with the contains of mail rather than mail_2.

    To correct this I wrote the following, there’s some workarounds in it as alot of CF7 methods and properties are private and inaccessible from functions.php,

    // Disable AutoP for WPCF7 Emails
    function dontautop_wpcf7_mail_components( $components, $contact_form, $mail ) {
      $template_name = $mail->name();
      $template = $contact_form->prop($template_name);
      $use_html = (bool) $template['use_html'];
      if ( $use_html )
        $body = $mail->replace_tags( $template['body'], true );
        $body = $mail->replace_tags( $template['body'] );
      $components['body'] = $body;
      return $components;
    add_filter( 'wpcf7_mail_components', 'dontautop_wpcf7_mail_components', 10, 3 );

    Hoping this helps others, at least until a constant or setting can be introduced to disable autop on emails.


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