I have looked at the page you provided and I do see where every blog title is set to “BLOG”. If you click through to an individual post, it does show the correct title. That tells me that the title is there and is being stored correctly in the database. There is, most likely, something in the X theme code that was modified for your blog page that does not DISPLAY the title correctly. You are going to have to go through the template and find where that is. It looks like you are using the X-integrity instance so you are probably looking for content-page.php in the ../x/framework/views/integrity/content-page.php and the line that displays the title is :
<h1 class="entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
This is the correct manner to display your title. Not sure exactly how you have your system set up, if you are using a child theme or not, but I am almost certain the problem arises in the display portion of your code.
Another possibility is that when you built the individual grid objects you built them incorrectly. That would mean the error is in the X theme management section and not in the code.