Hi there, love the plugin. I had to make a few modifications to get it to work right. The notice didn’t display two lines worth of text because the height of the div was set to 50px so it could never grow taller. This effects both desktop and mobile, only the mobile is more likely to force two or more lines of text.
First, I added the custom css: .swn_banner{ min-height:50px; height:auto;} This allows the notice to stretch higher to fit 2 lines or more.
Second, the close button image did not display when going more than one page deep in my site. It needs the background url to have the whole site address. example:
.closeButton{background:url(‘https://example.com/wp-content/plugins/sitewide-notice-wp/images/close-button.png’) no-repeat center center;} Actually, if someone smarter than me could code the wordpress magic that would replace the https://example.com/ it would be even better.
These modifications make the plugin work great on my desktop and mobile.