Well, in that case I would suggest a different solution to your problem.
1. change the_content() to my_custom_excerpt() in your theme file.
It may be different for your theme, but usually, it is the index.php of the theme.
2. In your blog post go to Screen options-> Excerpt , enable this option and you will see a field named excerpt below the content area. Enter your summarized content here but the default character count limit is 55 for excerpt, therefore , to work around this problem go to step 3
3. You will have to place this code in functions.php of your theme.
function my_custom_excerpt() {
if(is_single()) {
return the_content();
$length_category_map = ["test3" => 5 , "test1" => 3, "test2" => 2]; // Custom limit according to Category
$limit = 200 ; //default limit
$category_name = get_the_category()[0]->name;
if(isset($length_category_map[$category_name])) {
$limit = $length_category_map[$category_name] + 1;
$excerpt = explode(' ', get_the_excerpt(), $limit);
$excerpt = implode(" ",$excerpt)."... (<a class='custom-read-more' href='" .get_permalink(get_post()->ID) ." '>Read more</a>)";
echo $excerpt;
I’ve tried to make the step 3 self-explanatory. Also this class ‘custom-read-more’ will enable you to style the read more link according to your requirement.
This will work fine now, hopefully.