• Looking at the jquery-validation-for-contact-form-7/jquery-validation-for-contact-form-7.php, the code doesn’t have height and width set. The following below is the code snippet:

    function jvcf7_validation_js(){
      global $optionValues;
      echo '<script>
      	jvcf7_loading_url= "'.plugins_url('contact-form-7/images/ajax-loader.gif').'";
        jvcf7_invalid_field_design = "'.$optionValues["jvcf7_invalid_field_design"].'";
    	jvcf7_show_label_error = "'.$optionValues["jvcf7_show_label_error"].'";

    I tried adding height and width attributes but it ends up breaking other scripts within my WordPress theme. My example is as shown below:

    jvcf7_loading_url= "'.plugins_url('contact-form-7/images/ajax-loader.gif').'" width="16px" height="16px";

    If there is anyway to set the height and width of the image, that would help optimize my site. Thanks!


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