Some suggestions
Hi there and thanks for a great and useful plugin! ??
I have a couple of suggestions which could make this plugin even more user friendly.
1. If you only have one size of thumbnail activated in settings, it would be very nice if that size could be checked automatically when you open ‘Post Thumbnail Editor’. Because when only one size is active then that one is of course the one you want to edit.
2. It would also be very useful if you in settings could change, via e.g. a dropdown, the operation of the checkboxes next to the thumbnail sizes so that you instead of checking which sizes to hide, you select the ones you want to show. This would be very useful for me because I only ever want to show one particular type of thumbnail, but sometimes newly installed plugins add more thumbnail sizes which is then automatically displayed. Then I have to go into settings and manually remove them. It’s of course not a huge problem, but beeing able to change the operation mode of the checkboxes would certainly be easier and more user friendly.
What do you think about this? Could these suggestions be implemented?
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