• I am running my video site on wordpress 2.3.3. Its a general blog site. https://www.clashvideos.com

    Since last few weeks i am continuously receiving spams on one of my post. I am fedup of deleting those comments. It seems as if they are not manually being done, its something like a boot.

    Can any one please help me on this issue.

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  • activate akismet…

    Or another anti spam plugin. I’m happy with WP Spam Free, many swear by a combination between Akismet and Bad Behaviour.

    I’ve been running WordPress for three years now. I’ve only ever used Akismet. It’s always worked for me fine, only allowing in a few pieces of spam on occasion.

    I’ve had that Akismet “cannot connect to server” thing and didn’t feel like changing code or whatever. My WP Spam Free hasn’t let through a single spam, so I’m happy so far.

    same here. It just works, you leave it alone.

    Sure the odd piece gets through but no solution will ever stop 100% of spam.

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