Related Youtube Playlist
is it possible add Related Youtube Playlist
Nope. This plugin is mainly for finding videos based on dynamic search terms. Usually, the results are like a million times better for matching stand-alone video(s) than for playlists. YT seems to only try to match the playlist titles against search terms – which is almost never “the best” you can get.
If you want to embed specific playlists or channels you might try “Youtube Channel Gallery” or one of these plugins
thanks for your reply
I did not mean Youtube Playlist
This Example works just like your Plugin
But Number of videos (or search results) Small
<?php require_once ASG_APPLICATION_PATH . '/models/AbstractModel.php'; class Asg_Model_Youtube_Api extends Asg_Model_AbstractModel { protected $_http; protected $_apiKey; protected $_baseUrl = ''; protected $_enabled; protected $_retryCount = 0; public function __construct() { $this->_http = Asg_Application::getService('Affiliate_Helper_Http') ->getClient(); $options = Asg_Application::getModel('Options'); $this->_apiKey = $options->getValue('google_api_key'); $this->_enabled = '' != $this->_apiKey; } public function search($keyword, $maxResults, $type='video') { return $this->request('search', array( 'part' => 'snippet', 'q' => $keyword, 'type' => $type, 'maxResults' => $maxResults, )); } public function getVideoInfo($id) { $result = $this->request('videos', array( 'part' => 'snippet', 'id' => $id, )); if (!isset($result['items'][0])) { throw new Asg_Model_Youtube_Api_Exception( "Video ID '{$id}' not found."); } return $result['items'][0]; } public function request($resource, array $getParams, array $postParams=array(), $method='GET') { if (!$this->_enabled) { throw new Asg_Model_Youtube_Api_Exception( 'YouTube API key is not set up.'); } $getParams['key'] = $this->_apiKey; for ($iRetry = 0; $iRetry <= $this->_retryCount; $iRetry++) { try { $response = $this->_http ->setUri($this->_baseUrl . $resource) ->setParameterGet($getParams) ->setParameterPost($postParams) ->request($method); } catch (AsgZend_Http_Client_Exception $e) { if ($iRetry < $this->_retryCount) { continue; } throw new Asg_Model_Youtube_Api_ConnectionException( "Could not connect to YouTube API ({$e->getMessage()})"); } break; } $result = json_decode($response->getBody(), TRUE); if (!$result) { throw new Asg_Model_Youtube_Api_Exception( 'Invalid YouTube API response: Could not decode JSON.'); } if (isset($result['error']['message'])) { $message = $result['error']['message']; if (isset($result['error']['errors'][0]['reason'])) { switch ($result['error']['errors'][0]['reason']) { case 'keyInvalid': $message = 'Invalid Google API key.'; break; } } throw new Asg_Model_Youtube_Api_Exception($message); } if ($response->isError()) { throw new Asg_Model_Youtube_Api_Exception( "YouTube API request failed due to HTTP error #{$response->getStatus()} ({$response->getMessage()})"); } return $result; } public function isEnabled() { return $this->_enabled; } } class Asg_Model_Youtube_Api_Exception extends Exception { } class Asg_Model_Youtube_Api_ConnectionException extends Asg_Model_Youtube_Api_Exception { }<code></code>
<?php require_once ASG_APPLICATION_PATH . '/models/AbstractModel.php'; class Asg_Model_Youtube_Playlist extends Asg_Model_AbstractModel { public $postId; public function cacheVideoInfo($id) { $meta = Asg_Application::getModel('PostMeta')->setPostId($this->postId); $key = "youtube_snippet_{$id}"; $info = $meta->getValue($key); if (is_array($info)) { return $this; } $info = Asg_Application::getModel('Youtube_Api') ->getVideoInfo($id); $meta->setValue($key, $info); return $this; } public function generate() { $meta = Asg_Application::getModel('PostMeta')->setPostId($this->postId); $manual = $meta->getValue('youtube_manual_list'); $manual = '' != $manual? explode("\n", $manual) : array(); $search = $meta->getValue('youtube_data'); $search = isset($search['items'])? $search['items'] : array(); $blacklist = $meta->getValue('youtube_blacklist'); $blacklist = '' != $blacklist? explode("\n", $blacklist) : array(); $result = array(); foreach ($search as $key=>$item) { $id = $item['id']['videoId']; if (in_array($id, $blacklist)) { unset($search[$key]); continue; } $item['id'] = $id; $search[$key] = $item; } if (!$manual) { return array_values($search); } $maxResults = (int)Asg_Application::getConfig()->youtube->maxResults; foreach ($manual as $id) { if (in_array($id, $blacklist)) { continue; } $item = $meta->getValue("youtube_snippet_{$id}"); if (!is_array($item)) { continue; } $result[$id] = $item; } if (count($result) < $maxResults) { foreach ($search as $item) { $id = $item['id']; if (isset($result[$id])) { continue; } $result[] = $item; } } $result = array_values($result); return $result; } public function setPostId($value) { $this->postId = $value; return $this; } }
Ah, okay, my mistake.
You can build your own (HTML) template after retrieving your list of videos via this plugin. The “playlist” can/must then be created via Javascript and CSS.
So if you happen to have a jQuery plugin or so that can create such a playlist I can help you patching it together with the RYTV plugin.
ok Thank you so much
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