• For some really weird and unexplainable reason, there is a word that will NOT display on a WordPress page. I have gone into “Text” mode to check that there is no extraneous code interfering, I’ve copied the text into a plain text editor and then placed it into the page. I’ve even started a brand new, fresh page, and manually typed the sentence in by hand. Each time, the same, single word does not display?!!

    Here is the sentence as we would like it to display:
    When we experience something we cannot find resolution with, we can not move forward beyond that experience and that causes us to be stuck.

    Here is how it comes out — no matter what we do, the word ‘beyond’ always ‘vanishes’ – but if you look at the “text” editor or “visual” editor — it IS there
    When we experience something we cannot find resolution with, we cannot move forward that experience and that causes us to be stuck.

    We’re using the Canvas theme. Nothing fancy going on here. Any suggestions? Here is the page – it is still in a ‘draft’ mode.


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  • Have you tried switching to the default WordPress theme like Twenty fifteen or other default theme to see if it is a theme issue? If not, try that to rule that out. Then try deactivating plugins one by one to see if a plugin is causing the issue. That is weird you see it in the back end but not on the front end. What happens when you refresh the backend page, is the word “beyond” still there?

    Thread Starter yukon4



    Yes, in the backend, whether in ‘visual’ or “text’ the missing word is always right there. But in “preview” or on the actual saved page, it does not display. ONLY this one word, though!

    We have hardly any plugins in place, and there is nothing else on this page but text and 1-2 images.

    I will try the theme change – but I’ve used this theme (Canvas, from WooThemes) a LOT and this “word” hardly seems like a complex issue??

    It’s driving me slightly nuts!

    : )

    Thread Starter yukon4


    Just switched to Twenty Sixteen — same weird issue! No difference.

    I dont think it would be a theme issue but it is best to rule it out regardless. My bet is it would be a plugin, which is still strange. The source code even shows that the word is not there so without seeing the backend of the page Im going to take your word that no formatting was carried over when you put the text in there so the next place I would look if I were you would be switching themes and trying to deactivate ALL plugins one by one.

    I think I saw you are using a page builder so that would be the first one I try to deactivate.

    Just a word of advice, you should be able to switch themes and deactivate plugins and be able to change them back with no problem. However it is still good practice to have a backup in place in case – You can find many of them on the WP repo by going to Plugins > Add New and searching for “Backups”. Again, you should not need to do it but better to be safe then sorry.

    Im thinking it is 1 of 3 things. A theme issue, a plugin issue or something in the text itself for that page (Since its specific to one word, although it should still be in the markup of the page when viewing source).

    I think it is the page builder. Look at this file: https://www.hypnosisworks4you.com/wp-content/plugins/pootle-page-builder//js/ragadjust.min.js?ver=4.5.2

    On the second line the word “beyond” is there and that file looks like it add some formatting and replaces somethings on your page; beyond being one of them.

    Deactivate that plugin temporarily and see if that fixes it. If so then you just need to contact the plugin author, choose another word or find a new page builder (I like Beaver Builder)

    Thread Starter yukon4


    That was it.

    I deactivated Pootle Page Builder and the word shows up.

    The thing is, I didn’t use the page builder to “build” that page! (it’s only in use on the home page) This page was done in plain old WordPress style.

    In any event, I will certainly let Pootle Press know about this very peculiar situation.

    Thank you so much!!

    Thread Starter yukon4


    I’ve had no luck getting any resolution on this. We have only 3-4 plugins used on this site. I’ve tried turning off all of them but it is ONLY the Pootle Page Builder that causes certain words — prepositions, to be exact – weird! — to NOT display on the public side. You are able to see the words that you typed in within the Dashboard end of things.

    Other than NOT using the Page Builder (and we only need it for the homepage) or re-writing the text to NOT include those words — I see no solution.

    What a strange and frustrating problem this is. I have NEVER witnessed anything like it!

    I even tried deleting the words from that JS file noted above which happens to LIST a whole bunch of —> PREPOSITIONS. What on earth does this file do? (no reply from folks at Pootle)

    Here’s what’s in the file:
    ragadjust=function(e,n){if(document.querySelectorAll)for(var i=document.querySelectorAll(e),o=i.length,r=/(\s|^|>)((aboard|about|above|across|after|against|along|amid|among|anti|around|before|behind|below|beneath|beside|besides|between|beyond|concerning|considering|despite|down|during|except|excepting|excluding|following|from|inside|into|like|minus|near|onto|opposite|outside|over|past|plus|regarding|round|save|since|than|that|this|through|toward|towards|under|underneath|unlike|until|upon|versus|with|within|without)?\s)+/gi,t=/(\s|^)(([a-zA-Z-_(]{1,2}(‘|a€?)*[a-zA-Z-_,;]{0,1}?\s)+)/gi,a=/([-a€“a€”])\s/gi,s=/(<(strong|em|b|i)>)(([^\s]+\s*){2,3})?(<\/(strong|em|b|i)>)/gi;o– >0;){var l=i[o],u=l.innerHTML;(“prepositions”==n||”all”==n)&&(u=u.replace(r,function(e,n,i){return n+i})),(“small-words”==n||”all”==n)&&(u=u.replace(t,function(e,n,i){return n+i})),(“dashes”==n||”all”==n)&&(u=u.replace(a,function(e){return e})),(“emphasis”==n||”all”==n)&&(u=u.replace(s,function(e,n,i,o,r,t){return n+o+t})),l.innerHTML=u}};

    Hi Everyone,

    This is fixed in the latest update ??


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