error 500
Hello I get this error when I delete the photos:
“Data” “<html> \ n <head> \ n <title> Error 500 </ title> \ n </ head> \ n <body> \ n <center> \ n <font size = 4 face = \ “arial “> Error 500 ( search Brands </ font> \ n </ center> \ n \ n <span style = \ “font-size 8pt; font-family arial; color # 000000; \ “> \ n <p align = ” justify \ “> It è an error. </ p> \ n <p align = ” justify \ “> <b> This può error; show up at because of a syntactically incorrect .htaccess file entered by you or one of your scripts in the current folder or from your site that tries to establish a connection to a non-accessible external source. </ b>
\ nFor check the .htaccess file you need to open the management files in the control panel and click on the icon depicting the two gears. \ nFor more information on the directives supported by .htaccess files always consult the online help within the control panel. < br> \ n </ p> \ n <center> \ n <p> Back indietro</p>\n</center>\n</span>\n</body>\n</html>\n””status”500″config””method””GET””transformRequest”null”transformResponse”nullnullnull”url””/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php””params””action””dnui_verify_status_by_id_image””id””27276″”headers””Accept””application/json text / plain * / * “” statusText “” Internal Server Error “My site is on altervista.
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