• I wish I would have checked the forums before I tried doing this. I completely removed my WP installation from my server. All of the files were deleted, except for the “advanced cache.php”. For that I get an error that says “couldn’t find advanced_cache.php”.

    Most of the solutions I’ve seen on these forums are only applicable if the blog is still active. I do have a backup, so I suppose I could simply upload the backup and try one of those solutions.

    But I’m hoping there’s an easier way!

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  • The problem is the advanced-cache.php isn’t really a file. It’s a symbolic link that points to the another file in the plugins folder. In order to get rid of it, you’ll need to “unlink” the file.

    The quickest way to do that is to login to your hosting account using SSH if you can. From there you can navigate to your wp-content folder and run “unlink advanced-cache.php”. That should get rid of it for you. Then you’ll be able to get rid of the overlying directories.

    Another option is to create a PHP file in your wp-content folder with the following snippet:


    then just run that file directly from your browser by going to:


    Hope that helps.



    Thank you, jaiasmit! I could not remove the advanced-cache.php long time and could not understand why. And because of this could not install the WP Super Cache. Now everything works.

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