• Hi folks!

    I want to create a landing page. So I don’t need any header, footer or menu on it. How can I do so?
    Is it possible without going into php because I’m not a pro in development. Pls help.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • lisa


    if you prefer to not do any PHP changes….

    some themes already have templates that are ready for landing page forma i.e. have no visible header or footer etc.

    do you need a recommendation of a theme or do you need to keep your current theme?

    Thread Starter canteenstories7


    Thanks @contentiskey

    I may like to know such themes. I may preview how they look and if found doable, I’ll activate them. Pls recommend such themes.

    Now only need landingpage or with other pages arrived?

    Thread Starter canteenstories7


    @ravi patel

    I have designed rest of the pages, now only landing page is required

    1)Copy header.php assign name header-landing.php & footer.php assign name footer-landing.php

    2)Copy page and create template landing.php:
    Assign get_header('landing');
    Assign get_footer('landing');

    3)Create page and assign template.

    4)Go wp-admin->setting->reading->Assign landing page as frontpage.

    5)need seperate css:
    go function.php add this code:

    function resilientbridgeport_scripts_styles() {
            $temp = get_page_template_slug( $post->ID);
            if($temp == "page-templates/landing.php"){
                wp_enqueue_style( 'patelextensions-style', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/css/custom.css' );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'resilientbridgeport_scripts_styles',20);

    6) Go main header file header.php
    Add this code on top:

    if(!is_admin() && !current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) && !is_front_page()){
            wp_redirect( home_url());

    Remove unwanted code on your own header-landing.php and footer-landing.php



    This is one theme I have used previously that already includes templates for landing pages:
    (i.e. page, header, footer)

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