• I’m trying to get the reading time to appear as part of the meta on the archive pages. I currently have it working perfectly fine when listing the related posts at the bottom of articles, by including it in this loop:

    <?php while ( $related_posts->have_posts() ) : $related_posts->the_post(); ?>
    <div class="related-post">
    <div class="featured-image"><?php echo et_extra_get_post_thumb( array(
    										'size'                       => 'extra-image-small',										'a_class'                    => array('post-thumbnail'),										'post_format_thumb_fallback' => true,										'img_after'                  => '<span class="et_pb_extra_overlay"></span>',
    <h4 class="title"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h4>
    <p class="date"><?php echo do_shortcode( '[est_time]' ); ?></p>
    <?php endwhile; ?>

    Works like a charm. (see example here: https://blogs.getty.edu/ clone /la-people-and-places-brought-to-life-in-watercolor/ (first remove spaces around “clone”)

    But, when I put it in for the archive pages, it returns nothing:

    $meta_args = array(
    	'author_link'   => $show_author,
    	'post_date'     => $show_date,
    	'date_format'   => $date_format,
    	'categories'    => $show_categories,
    	'comment_count' => $show_comments,
    	'rating_stars'  => $show_rating,
    <p class="postMeta"><?php echo et_extra_display_post_meta( $meta_args );  echo do_shortcode( '[est_time]' ); ?>
    <?php } ?>

    Any idea why it wouldn’t work here?
    https://blogs.getty.edu/ clone /topics/people-places/

    WordPress version 4.4.2 (multi-site install)
    Theme Extra from ElegantThemes.com (I asked them, they said to ask you)


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