I too would prefer some other “odd” character (or string of characters) as a separator as an alternative to the common comma. Maybe the tilde (~) or caret (^) or string “##”. The algorithm could look for the new separator first and use it as the separator if found. If not, then default to the older ‘,’ separator. This would preserve backwards compatibility while allowing new users to include commas.
Or support true “escaping” with “\,” for comma. Then no new separator would be needed.
For example, here’s what my client is asking me to add as choices:
Please apply my donation to:
Support the overall mission, programs, and services of RRCS
Infant/Youth Services (ITC, Young Adult Coordinated Care, etc.)
Adult Services Programs (Boxwood, Outpatient Mental Health, Clinics, etc.)
Senior Services and Nutrition Programs (inc. Senior Centers, home delivered meals, etc.)
Community Prevention Coalitions (specify the coalition, if desired)
Bowl for Seniors registration or donation
Golf Tournament registration or donation
Other (note below)
Not being able to use commas really hinders my ability to give the client what they want.
Thanks for a great plugin! Hope we can make it even better.