• Hi,

    jetpack disconnected on my blog https://www.rettediewelt.de some weeks ago, since that I have tried everything to reconncect without success.

    What happened: Someday jetpack suddenly disconnected

    What I tried: Reconnect -> didn’t work. I get now always the same error / problem: Jetpack trys to connect ovr 1-3 minutes and then I get a message that my website doesn’t work anymore. After a while (failure diagnostic) error message applys with “ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS”.

    After this I let the Jetpack Plugin disconnected and I tried some other Plugins like “reCaptcha” but I got installation problems with these.

    I have tried to deinstall Jetpack and reinstall.
    I have tried to delete Folder and reinstall.
    I have tried to rename Plugin folder and just installed Jetpack in an empty Plugin folder – no connection – still same error.
    I have tried the same above with the standard twenty theme – no success.

    After the errors, I open /wp-admin/ and see my WordPress dashboard with Jetpack disconnected.

    What can I do ?

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