The bug still appear in the latest version, when we manage sales in the back-office we get this errors some times :
( ! ) Fatal error: Call to a member function get_cart() on null in wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-quick-donation/woocommerce-quick-donation.php on line 97
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0005 358760 {main}( ) .../post.php:0
2 1.1956 33202904 edit_post( ) .../post.php:193
3 1.1988 33247032 wp_update_post( ) .../post.php:376
4 1.1991 33262192 wp_insert_post( ) .../post.php:3482
5 1.2085 33322208 do_action( ) .../post.php:3409
6 1.2086 33324072 call_user_func_array:{wp-includes/plugin.php:524} ( ) .../plugin.php:524
7 1.2086 33324272 WC_Admin_Meta_Boxes->save_meta_boxes( ) .../plugin.php:524
8 1.2088 33324400 do_action( ) .../class-wc-admin-meta-boxes.php:208
9 1.2396 33760232 call_user_func_array:{wp-includes/plugin.php:524} ( ) .../plugin.php:524
10 1.2398 33801896 WC_Meta_Box_Order_Actions::save( ) .../plugin.php:524
11 1.2633 35390120 WC_Email_New_Order->trigger( ) .../class-wc-meta-box-order-actions.php:128
12 1.2643 35392688 WC_Email->get_content( ) .../class-wc-email-new-order.php:67
13 1.2644 35392864 WC_Email_New_Order->get_content_html( ) .../class-wc-email.php:390
14 1.2644 35393904 wc_get_template_html( ) .../class-wc-email-new-order.php:83
15 1.2645 35410656 wc_get_template( ) .../wc-core-functions.php:216
16 1.2646 35413256 apply_filters( ) .../wc-core-functions.php:199
17 1.2646 35415280 call_user_func_array:{wp-includes/plugin.php:235} ( ) .../plugin.php:235
18 1.2646 35415632 WooCommerce_Quick_Donation_Functions->get_template( ) .../plugin.php:235
19 1.2646 35415848 WooCommerce_Quick_Donation->check_donation_exists_cart( ) .../class-quick-donation-functions.php:294