• Hi there!,

    I recently switched my domain name using the same theme/site.
    With the first domain, I was able to change the header text to the right of the screen very easily.
    The way I did this –
    Appearance > Background > Site Identity > Site Title

    Ever since I changed over to the new domain name, I am not able to change the old text in the upper right hand corner – Even when I type in the new site title and save it, it remains the old site title.

    Any idea how to fix this to the new site title?!

    Thank you!!!!

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  • Could you show me what you mean? I will see if i can help you

    Thread Starter weyloo


    On that link, in the top righthand corner, it reads “since you are here” –
    That’s what I want changed to the new site title.

    Hope that helps!

    Thank you!

    Did you edit this in the editor itself?

    Try looking in appearance -> editor -> header.php to see if the link is there.. If so you can edit what you want but it will not helpo edit it in the place you did edit it..

    The step you took was good btw ?? usually that does the trick

    Thread Starter weyloo


    I see that it mainly just works as a “home” button – So is it really even crucial to have since I have the navigation bar at the top?

    This is what came up for me under editor:

    ” /*
    Theme Name: Elliot Child Theme
    Theme URI: https://demo.pukkathemes.com/elliot/
    Author: Pukka Themes
    Author URI: https://pukkathemes.com
    Description: Elliot – Engaging & Responsive WordPress Theme. Update notification available on Facebook
    Version: 1.0
    License: Commercial
    License URI: https://themeforest.net/licenses/regular
    Tags: black, white, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, fluid-layout, responsive-layout, custom-colors, custom-menu, featured-images, full-width-template, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready
    Text Domain: pukka
    Template: elliot
    */ ”

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