• So I followed the directions. I’m not a developer.

    1) I can’t tell whether I’ve submitted posts for FB to review/approve. In “Publishing Tools”, it’s saying I haven’t submitted anything for review. Am I following this correctly: if I submit a feed, then FB should be able to see my content automatically, right?

    2) Do I still need to claim my URL, and add the snipped of code before the </head>? If so, what should the proper configuration be? I’ve played around with adding my domain to the code <meta property=”fb:pages” content=”184144295790″ />. I’ve replaced it for “meta property”, “fb:pages” and the number. But it still won’t confirm submission. This is a particularly vexing problem, as it is why I opted for the plugin.

    3) I can customize content for Google AMP, but I can’t see anything past the scrolling setup feature for FBIA.

    4) I’m using RSS Aggregator and pushing it to a page https://hybridandelectriccarnews.net/the-feed The preview in AMP is pulling content from that instead of the posts feed: https://hybridandelectriccarnews.net/feed

    5) In the WP Admin Menu, why don’t you call the plugin “PageFrog” or FBIA & AMP, or something identifiable? “Mobile Format” as a name has no direct connection to your product.


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  • Did you solve any of these issues Sebastian? Agree with pretty much all of them. Was stuck at claiming an url as just submitting an RSS url did not seem to do the trick. I prefer Pagefrog to allow me to add the code based on page ID instead of adjusting the header to get instant articles to work really. Will see if there is something is missing or whether there is an easier way, but any insights on what you did would be great.

    Well I added the fb:pages meta tag using the following code in my child theme’s functions.php:

    add_action('wp_head', 'facebook_instant_articles');
    function facebook_instant_articles() {
       echo '<meta property="fb:pages" content="id-no" />' . "\n";

    and now I was able to claim my url and was told by Facebook:

    Your URL has been claimed. You can begin setting up your Instant Articles RSS Feed, and add another URL if you’d like to create articles for multiple sites.

    which is great as PageFrog works with the feeds. Too bad really there is no option in PageFrog to just add the page ID and have it hook the meta property in the header.

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