Well shortly after posting my message above I ran across a thread on Stack Exchange with a solution that worked… at least for me it did. Here is the link to the thread.
I used the second solution posted by Raj on June 3, 2015.
Basically, it involves adding a bit of code to your theme’s functions file. However, if you are applying this fix it is recommended that you use FTP to access and modify that file. Be sure the code you copy and paste looks exactly the way it does in the link above. Sometimes quote marks in code can change slightly when copying it within certain editors. Also it is advisable that you make a backup a copy of that file before you replace it with the newly modified version.
I am still not sure if this fix is one that would be advised by WordPress core developers or support staff but would love if someone could weigh in on that. All I know is that after searching high and low I finally found a solution that works.