• Hi everyone

    I am a great fan of wordpress, a big vangelizer of the quality and of the efficiency of this great application, but 2.5 was not ready to be delivered

    I don t think it is acceptable to have such problems with image uploading, we are talking about a real basic feature, this cannot happen
    especially when it was a well known and unsolved problem of the beta version.

    Sorry to say this but this doesn t help the new user of WP, and this is not healthy to the long life of WordPress

    I really hope that this problem will be solved very soon, and I hope to find very soon an *easy* way to solve this, cause so far i haven’t seen a good topic where it is solved, Maybe a single topic won t be enough, but for sure this is a real critical issue

    my config
    wordpress 2.5
    no flash plug in installed
    plugins installed : 1 – askimet
    error : An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later.
    browser :ie6,ie7,ffox,safari


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  • Have exactly the same problem. Checked write permissions and everything on the upload folder, all is fine. A better error message would also have been appreciated. The only reason I upgraded to 2.5 was the media features, so looks as though I will be regrading.

    My guess is that this release was rushed to coincide with WordCamp as this “bug” has existed in all RCs. The plugin offered in the sticky post took care of the problem for me. Hopefully, full the good of WordPress, the next revision will include the option to disable the uploader out of the box.

    I agree with newbieme. This is my first disappointment with WP. Can’t wait for the official fix in 2.5.1 hopefully.

    I’m having the same problems, but they’re not the same in all browsers on all OS.

    Mac, Firefox:
    “An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later.”
    no image upload

    PC, IE 7:
    “Specified file failed upload test.”
    but the image actually gets uploaded. check the gallery or media library tab and it’s in there! but none of the images can be selected.

    possible solution:
    use the PC with IE 7 to upload the image. then jump over to the Mac to select the images and add them into the posts!

    What a bunch of boloney!!!!!

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