• Good day all, I am new to wordpress our website is https://www.icareoperation.org … and wake up to the following two errors… (1) [layerslider id=””] and [wysija_form id=”1″] … I’m using the theme Charity Hub

    I found in the pages template “Layer Slider”, the “slider type” Will Not change…

    <!– Above Sidebar Section–> <div class=”above-sidebar-wrapper”><section id=”content-section-1″ ><div class=”section-container container”><div class=”gdlr-layerslider-item gdlr-slider-item gdlr-item” ><div class=”gdlr-ls-shadow gdlr-top” ></div>[layerslider id=””]<div class=”gdlr-ls-shadow gdlr-bottom” ></div></div><div class=”clear”></div></div></section></div>

    <p>[wysija_form id=”1″]</p>

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