Hi sjlevy,
There isn’t a way to exclude specific pages per se, but there are some WP-SpamShield hooks you can use that will help you accomplish essentially the same thing. It will allow you to bypass the Anti-spam for Miscellaneous Forms filter on-demand when you are running a specific function.
If you have added specific code to your functions.php, you can add the following to your theme’s functions.php:
add_filter( 'wpss_misc_form_spam_check_bypass', 'your_custom_function', 10 );
You will need to create a function after this with some logic. To bypass the filter, it needs to return a value of TRUE
. Something like this should work:
function your_custom_function( $bypass ) {
// $bypass is FALSE by default - you need to change it to TRUE to bypass
* Some logic here
* - check if you are on the specific page you want...
* - check if the appropriate function is firing...
* - ..or any other condition you want to test for...
// If conditions are met...
return TRUE;
// If conditions are not met, and you want things to function as usual...
// return FALSE;
That will help you create the custom exclusion you need.
You can rename ‘your_custom_function’ to whatever you like. Just be sure to do it both in the “add_filter()” line and in your actual function. make sure it is unique so it doesn’t break any plugins. Using a unique prefix is usually a good idea to prevent collisions: ‘fh65v_’ or whatever at the beginning of your function name. (Ex: ‘fh65v_your_custom_function’ ).
I hope that helps!
– Scott