• I’ve been working with the new built in gallery feature and I’m not getting the gallery navigation (by that, I mean the ‘next’ and ‘previous’ thumbnails seen on Matt’s installation and in his screencast). Is there something special that needs to happen in the template for that to happen? A new set of tags to include or somesuch? And I didn’t see a way to do the links like Matt has (like the View Full Resolution link). I didn’t see any reference to any new template tags on the page about gallery shortcodes. Is there another reference somewhere? Pointers or answers or even just vague clues would be much appreciated.

    Also, I am not able to upload more than one file at a time (as Matt showed in his screencast). That seems less about themes and more like a bug, but I thought I may as well mention it to see if it’s just me or something that’s across the board.

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  • I’m with the very same doubt, and i’d like to know how to do all that stuff that Matt did in his Gallery.

    I also cant get the new gallery feature to work like Matts. I am able to upload more then one file at once but I would like to be able to post the one small image that opens up the gallery rather then post all the gallry images on the page.

    Thread Starter Laura


    Ok, I get the navigation thumbnails (previous/next images) when I use the Default theme included with 2.5. It didn’t work with the Default theme from the previous WP version. Not sure what changed; I’ll see if I can find it.

    Still can’t upload more than one image at a time, though. (Firefox or Safari 3.0.4 on OSX 10.5.2)

    Thread Starter Laura


    OooooooooKay. Found it.

    There’s a new template you need to create to display your gallery images the way you want. You need to create ‘image.php’ and include the next-previous links there. You can look at the image.php file included with the Default theme for an example, but basically, when you include the tags below, you’ll get the thumbnails.

    <div class="navigation">
       <div class="alignleft"><?php previous_image_link() ?></div>
       <div class="alignright"><?php next_image_link() ?></div>


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    @mitten, thanks so much for posting that, but I have to ask MATTCO, why he hell do we have to do this?

    Thread Starter Laura


    Can’t answer that, sacredpath. It does seem a little mean to make a new template available but not tell anyone about it.

    I wrote a quick blog post about it; there are more new template tags besides the ones I mentioned above.

    I’m still trying to find out how to show the galleries like matt does at the listages, and how to show picture exif informations.

    Thanks mitten for the help!

    Matt’s using some variant on the Asides trick:


    Though, admittedly, I don’t know what he’s doing to pull an exemplary image from the image gallery… Hmm…

    Ok, if you use the Asides trick linked above, you can create a special appearance for your image gallery posts. If you put the following in, it will display the FINAL image from your gallery with a link to that image (not the gallery):

    <?php previous_image_link() ?>

    The next_image_link does not work. The next step to recreate Matt’s thing would be to modify media.php to display the image without the link so we can link back to the gallery. I guess you’ll have to create a new function.

    My program skills are weak, but I can read it enough to modify what already exists. This shouldn’t be too hard.

    just lost my post i think – i’m a newbie – started wordpress last week – saw MAT do sone picture up load & thought it would be cool. upgraded to 2,5 c3 along the way lost all my posts & passwords even in my backup somehow. then when i get to try this i’m missing 1/2 of the buttons to the job. it just wont work.
    uninstalled went back to 2.5 and i’m waiting for a solution – i did join the bets testing email BUt my box was swamped in talk about white space – the least of worries so i got off the list
    i would like to simply upload photos btw thanks for making blogging so easy cheers dan

    I was wrong, this line of code used in index.php:

    <?php previous_image_link() ?>

    shows the last image uploaded into a gallery (or something) not the last image uploaded into the gallery associated with a particular post. So, as you upload new images, this image will change. Not what I wanted.

    Back to the drawing board. Someone email Ma.tt.

    Hi All,

    I’ve emailed Matt… but he specifically states on his page he won’t respond to requests RE software.. so.. we’ll see how we go. I too am in the same boat where I want to display a “list” of galleries.

    Ooh, i’m having a bit of luck using https://fairyfish.net/2007/10/16/advanced-post-image-plugin/ that plugin.

    Editing some code now to see if I can get it to format what I want, but so far I have a listing of the first photo of any post with included images.. so.. going well!

    Yup, working for me. ??

    Using the following code echo '<a href="'.get_permalink($post->ID).'" title="'. wptexturize($post->post_title).'">'. $img .'</a> <b>'. wptexturize($post->post_title) . '</b><br /><br />';

    I was able to get it to list all posts with photos attached, display the ‘first’ photo of that post, then link back to that post so all photos can be displayed. ??

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