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  • Plugin Contributor Ewout


    Hi! Unfortunately it is not possible to influence the priority of Menu Cart. You may want to check the alignment setting though, if that’s set to ‘right’, this may be a simple matter of using the default alignment.

    A more complicated solution is modifying the position of the menu cart item with jQuery:

    add_action( 'wp_footer', 'wpmenucart_move_position' );
    function wpmenucart_move_position() {
        <script type="text/javascript">
        jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
            $(".wpmenucartli").each( function() {
                // count number of items in menu
                $parent_menu = $(this).closest('ul');
                var items_count = $parent_menu.children('li').length;
                var position = items_count - 1; // could be - 2 or 3, not sure about the WPML menu items
                $(this).insertBefore( $parent_menu.children('li').eq(position) );

    If you don’t like using jQuery for this, there’s an even more complex server side/PHP solution:

     * Apply WP Menu Cart repositioning filter to all menus from the settings
    add_action( 'init', 'wpmenucart_filter_nav_menus' );
    function wpmenucart_filter_nav_menus() {
        global $wpMenuCart;
        // exit if no shop class is active
        if ( !isset($wpMenuCart->shop) )
        // exit if no menus set
        if ( !isset( $wpMenuCart->options['menu_slugs'] ) || empty( $wpMenuCart->options['menu_slugs'] ) )
        if ( $wpMenuCart->options['menu_slugs'][1] != '0' ) {
            add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_' . $wpMenuCart->options['menu_slugs'][1] . '_items', 'wpmenucart_reposition_item' , 999, 2 );
     * Modify the $items string to put Menu Cart in a predefined position
    function wpmenucart_reposition_item( $items, $args ) {
        $new_position = 2; // change this to the position of your choice
        // we need to add a parent node to be able to handle this properly
        $ul = '<ul id="wpmenucart-menu">'.$items.'</ul>';
        // $ul is flat HTML, so we convert it to DomDocument first
        $dom = new DOMDocument();
        $dom_ul = $dom->getElementById('wpmenucart-menu');
        $wpmc_item = $dom->getElementById('wpmenucartli');
        $node_position = 1;
        foreach ($dom_ul->childNodes as $childNode) {
            // skipping non-li nodes
            if ( !isset($childNode->tagName) || $childNode->tagName != 'li' ) {
            // exit if we've found our node
            if ($new_position == $node_position) {
                $before = $childNode;
        // now that we know which node we want to put the Menu Cart before, we can move it
        // convert dom back to HTML
        $ul = $dom->saveHTML();
        // strip our ul wrapper again
        $open_ul_pos  = strpos($ul, '<ul id="wpmenucart-menu">') + strlen('<ul id="wpmenucart-menu">');
        $close_ul_pos = strrpos($ul, '</ul>');
        $snippet_length = $close_ul_pos - $open_ul_pos;
        $items = substr($ul, $open_ul_pos, $snippet_length);
        return $items;

    But like I said, this is pretty advanced stuff…

    Hope that helps though!

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