I have a correction to add concerning the steps to accomplish this. I had the hardest time – for some reason the pages list was appearing in the footer section – actually the section before the footer – but considered the footer section all the same. And it really made the pages terribly dragged out at the end. Not good at all. Not for user ease, nor for sense of appearance.
Finally came across this thread – and the code that was written helped me (posted by Weblizer support) – but the procedure to access the correct spot to place the code was not right.
What I did was this:
Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Theme Options > Theme General Options > **
**at the bottom of this section (theme general options) is the space for customized CSS – where I pasted what Weblizar Support gave as code: .enigma_footer_widget_column {
display: none !important;
Then save…and it did the job!! rendered the pages listing no longer published in that area…but the final footer area where I have widgets (for copyright info & other legal statements connections, etc.) – that is still good and showing.
Just thought to give this update on this – in case anyone else is needing it.
I was about at the point where I was going to purchase a new theme = problem was that the other themes don’t have the aesthetic affect that we liked with Enigma.
End of story – got the issue taken care of. Just not following the steps given to get it done.
Balqees Mohammed.