You and 2,384,418 others like this.
I bought pro.In chrome overlay doesnt appear.On mobile its ok.Another think is that although i put my facebook page with 240 likes it says
You and 2,384,418 others like this.
and it points to DEVELOPERS.FACEBOOK.COM .Is something i miss?
I bought pro.
For pro or commercial product support please contact the author directly on their site.
And the author doesn’t have a link on his plugin page. @gansbrest could you please fix that?
As the author is aware, commercial products are not supported in these forums. As you are their customer I am sure they will have no problem supporting you there.
OK, I installed the plugin. I do not like what I saw. 3/4 of the admin page is for options that do not work unless you buy the “pro” version. That leads you to this page. That’s really distasteful.
@mastoras Please follow up with the author on his site. Providing “premium” support here for customers is one way that plugin authors can get their plugins removed from the WordPress repo here.
@gansbrest You may want to consider updating your free plugin and your plugin page.
The issues @mastoras is referring are not specific to Pro version.
Anyways – there could be multiple reasons why plugin does not show up on desktop:
– you clicked close button and plugin would reappear in YOUR browser only after specified interval ( 60 mins by default )
– you clicked “don’t show this to me again” in which case overlay will not appear again in YOUR browser
– conflict with another plugins (unlikely)To pinpoint specific problem – try to open your site on desktop in another browser or incognito mode, see if it show up.
As for wrong number of likes – please attach screenshot of your settings page where you suppose to set you own facebook page url.
Also provide url to the site where plugin is installed so I could check on my side.
I tried with 3 different pc chrome and edge and 4 smartphones but always no luck.
here some snapshots 1) **** 2) **** 3) was able to open only your last screenshot (num 3) because 1 and 2 require permissions.
Anyways, I opened screen 3 and went to your site ( υδρευειν.eu/e-shop/ – don’t ask how I was able to type that address in, that was very tricky :)) )
Overlay showed up for me in chrome ( desktop ) see the screenshot, it also displayed correct number of likes 240, unlike some other likes button on that page, which has nothing to do with the Smart WP overlay plugin. Must be something else you installed. To confirm that – you can disable Smart WP and you will still see your other Likes buttons.. Don’t know which plugin is that.
Here is the screenshot I took from your site:
As for why it doesnt show up for you browsers.. puzzled.. I suspect you have a cookie set in your browser after you clicked “don’t show again” or “close”, but would be nice to jump on skype to pinpoint this particular issue, as I’m curious what it is.. I’m on vacation in Costa Rica now, but should be available here and there.
Also I noticed there something wired with the way your site is redirected – it goes to
Would be awesome if you could check if you have cookie with the name “social.overlay.fb.status” set in your browser? Try deleting it and see what happens if it’s there.
i ve managed to put the correct fb with this
<div class="fb-like" data-href="" data-send="true" data-width="450" data-show-faces="true"> </div>
With the overlay i still cannot see it!Pls check it u can.
social.overlay.fb.status cookie doesnt exist
I forgot to mention that I have woocommerce theme istalled
Checked your page again and number of likes match between Smart WP overlay and your Custom facebook buttons.
Did you added those FB buttons manually as well as google+ button? If yes – then you need to make sure to include correct fb page url in your template/pages.
Can you email me your skype to wp-plugins [at] so we can connect and debug your issue with overlay not showing up faster? ( as you see on screenshot it does show up for me on your site, by the way – it shows up after the interval you set, not right away )
As i wrote before i put this piece of code from main site
<div class=”fb-like” data-href=”” data-send=”true” data-width=”450″ data-show-faces=”true”> </div>
I uninstall and install again several times the Smart WP overlay but i cant see it.Icannot understand how u see it!!!
Time interval before the first appearance 5sec
Time interval before further appearances (after “close overlay” was selected 9 minutes
i dont know if this video helps dont have skype!
Just tested again on this page: υδρευειν.eu/e-shop/ both in Chrome and Firefox – I can see it on you site on that page (both messages say Test and Test on the bottom). Are you testing on that page or some other url on your site?
Maybe you have some adblocker turned on?
Could you do exactly this – open Chrome, click Open New Incognito window and go to υδρευειν.eu/e-shop/ there, wait couple secs, will it show up?
Also, please send me screenshot of all cookies you have set for domain?
Try to logout (if you logged in) and visit that urlυδρευειν.eu/e-shop/ – same?
Still scratching my head here..
I think I found something related to the issue – I noticed on the video that you use https on your site, but I was testing regular http ( you may want to put redirect to always send people to https to avoid content duplication in google and other search engines ).
I’ll try to implement https fix – will let you know so you could update the plugin and test again.
Ok, click Check for updates next to Smart WP overlay in your plugins list, it should show new version ( 1.09 ). Install it, clear cache and see if it works now with https. I’ll go sleep for now.
I did the update but nothing.Yesterday before the update ,i `ve installed firefox and checked it there.At first same nothing.After that i click on the small green lock in adress bar and i uncheck something (i dont remember what) and instantly the Smart WP overlay pops up.After that i did the update and now nothing!!
Released 1.10 – please update, clean cache and let me know what happens now.
Ok.Its done!Nice job!The only thing is that the facebook counter dont show up.I delete the code i put yesterday ` <div class=”fb-like” data-href=”” data-send=”true” data-width=”450″ data-show-faces=”true”>
</div>`for Smart WP overlay to show but nothing!
Perfect! You mean your old facebook buttons (Like and Share) which you hardcoded into the template are not displayed any more?
Did you put back code that you deleted? I don’t see code for your buttons on your site at the moment.
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