• Hello.
    My website is https://topetrino.worktogether.gr/ and i need your useful help.
    First of all i would like to remove the boxed styleof my content . You see the words of first lie to be in a box. I need it in full version . Appearance doesnot help.

    Additionally , i want from the nevigation menu to remove the blue background when i am in a page . Appearance helps me only to change the color of it. I dont want anything.

    Please i need your help
    Thanks for all Marios

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  • Theme Author TT Themes


    Dear Marios,

    to remove the blue background color for active menu items, please use this custom CSS:

    #header .menu-box .current-menu-item > a, #header .menu-box .current-menu-ancestor > a, #header .menu-box .current_page_item > a, #header .menu-box .current-page-ancestor > a, .home #header .menu-box .link-home {background: none !important;}

    I am sorry, but this theme offers only the boxed layout. Unfortunately, extensive customizations are outside the scope of what I can provide with the support, because each change has to be tested across various browsers and screens sizes. I spend a lot of time testing and maintaining my themes. When you ask for a customization – it is not possible for me to test out the change on all screens. If you need to customize a theme, I recommend you to make an inquiry on https://jobs.wordpress.net/. Thanks and I hope you understand my limitations.
    If you only would like to remove the white background from the boxes, then you can use this custom CSS:

    #wrapper .entry-content, #wrapper .entry-headline-wrapper {box-shadow: none; -webkit-box-shadow: none; -moz-box-shadow: none; background: none; margin-bottom: 0;}

    Best regards,
    Tomas Toman

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