• When you look at mobile version of your site (JetPack’s Mobile feature) that includes post series you see 4 same easy post series link at the top of page.

    This problem exists for a long time. So the problem repeats itself on previous WordPress versions (I use 4.4.2). I waited for this problem will be repaired. But there is still same problem.

    Can you fix it?


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  • Plugin Author Yudhistira Mauris


    May I take a look at the website where this happens?

    Thread Starter yonetim


    You can see the error at the top of page by visiting this url in your mobil phone (https://www.sibergah.com/uygulama-guvenligi/web-ve-mobil-guvenlik-sistemleri/modsecurity-ile-dosya-yukleme-zafiyetinin-engellenmesi/).

    If you visit that page in browser, you will see a regular web page without a series error. But when you visit same page in your mobile phone, you can clearly see the error.

    This mobile version is handled automatically by JetPack plugin.

    Thanks for your help and your very useful plugin.

    Plugin Author Yudhistira Mauris


    I will look into it and try to find the issue. I am on a trip right now so I may not be able to update it in timely manner.

    Hi Yudhistira,

    I am seeing the same issue (4 repeated boxes of “This post is part of the series…”) at the top of my post page, when viewed in the browser. I am using a responsive theme, so the mobile is the same.

    It appears to only happen on pages created in the past few days. Pages created earlier, even modified and republished do not have this issue. I will continue to play with it and see if I can find what is different between the posts.

    Example here: https://gotobenjamin.com/icrapoport/?p=525

    I love the simple way it shows other posts. Is there a widget for this as well?


    This appears to have happened after a recent update to JetPack, and only if using the features “Sharing” & “Publicize”. Turning those features off fixes the issue. When active, creating new post includes a bunch of “meta content” tags. Old posts do not get the tags. See below my sites body class, and the “JetPack Open Graph Tags” section. For some reason that is causing your <nav class=”weeps-series…” to repeat above it 4 times.

    My site is in development, so let me know if I can test anything for you.

    <body class="single single-post postid-525 single-format-standard x-renew x-navbar-static-active x-full-width-layout-active x-content-sidebar-active x-v4_3_4 x-child-theme-active cornerstone-v1_2_2">
    <nav class="wpeps-series-nav wpeps-series-73">
    <nav class="wpeps-series-nav wpeps-series-73">
    <nav class="wpeps-series-nav wpeps-series-73">
    <nav class="wpeps-series-nav wpeps-series-73">
    <!-- Jetpack Open Graph Tags -->
    <meta content="article" property="og:type">
    <meta content="test" property="og:title">
    <meta content="https://gotobenjamin.com/icrapoport/?p=525" property="og:url">
    <meta content="test" property="og:description">
    <meta content="2016-03-31T17:02:35+00:00" property="article:published_time">
    <meta content="2016-03-31T17:02:35+00:00" property="article:modified_time">
    <meta content="I.C.Rapoport" property="og:site_name">
    <meta content="https://s0.wp.com/i/blank.jpg" property="og:image">
    <meta content="en_US" property="og:locale">
    <meta content="summary" name="twitter:card">
    <style id="x-generated-css" type="text/css">
    <div id="fb-root" class=" fb_reset">
    <div id="top" class="site">
    Plugin Author Yudhistira Mauris


    Hi benrapo,

    Thank you for the report and finding out the problem. I’ll try to do what I can to fix it. At the meantime, you probably can hide it using CSS.

    Currently there is no widget available, but I might add one in the future.

    Hi Yudhistira, I solved the widget need by creating a custom menu and adding the Post Series (each one) to the menu. “Series” shows up on the custom menu setting page :). Then I added that menu to my sidebar. It is not automatic so I would need to add each new series to that menu.

    I have found one issue I am trying to solve. In the theme I am using (Themeco’s X), clicking on the series name populates the built in blog page with posts from the selected series… great! Unfortunately it appears to be in the wrong order, that being newest first instead of the order in which it was published.

    I am not sure how to change it, and if I do it will probably change it for the standard blog page. Any thoughts?


    Plugin Author Yudhistira Mauris


    Hi Benjamin,

    There are already lots of widget plugin that can list custom taxonomy automatically. You may want to try them.

    As for your other issue, there is a workaround to change it as I explained on FAQ page:

    Add the following code to your active theme’s functions.php

    add_filter( 'wpeps_archive_page_post_order', 'prfx_archive_page_post_order');
    function prfx_archive_page_post_order( $order ) {
        return $order = 'ASC';
    add_filter( 'wpeps_archive_page_post_orderby', 'prfx_archive_page_post_orderby');
    function prfx_archive_page_post_orderby( $orderby ) {
        return $orderby = 'date';

    You can change the $order value to ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) based on your needs.


    Plugin Author Yudhistira Mauris


    I still can’t replicate the problem with Jetpack. It works fine on my test site. May I know your active plugins and theme?

    Thread Starter yonetim


    Hi Yudhistira,

    You can find all plugins that a WP website uses from “wpthemedetector.com”, “wppluginchecker.earthpeople.se” and “builtwith.com”. You must look at the result of these websites at the same time. Because they find some of plugins, not all of them. If you collect all results you can determine a website’s plugins…

    Plugin Author Yudhistira Mauris


    Thanks for the info. As far as I know, it’s impossible to know all the active plugins from the outside because some plugins don’t leave footprint on client (browser). It will help me if you can list it.

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