• On our dev site new page: https://www.thecollaborative-demo.com/media/pace-in-the-news/ we have several embedded Youtube video iframes, such as:

    <iframe title="PACE Services PSA" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/4H22ofKXKYk?list=PL0_qrIvQZ4PkpKG4eOxjXiyf_3pHQe4Kn?rel=0&wmode=transparent" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>

    On this page we have some news items that don’t have Youtube videos and are just images, such as the 13th news story “PACE Executive Director Featured in Autism Story on NBC Bay Area”

    When the a3 lazy load is not active all the Youtube images and the non-Youtube images (Just the “PACE” sign) are the same width. However, when we activate a3 lazy load the Youtube video images are narrower. There seems to be about a 30px margin on the right.

    Maybe you can help me figure out what adjustment, CSS or otherwise, I need to make so that the Youtube frames and plain images will all be the same width as they are when a3 lazy load is not active?

    BTW – I love the way everything loads so nicely with a3 lazy load.


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