Unable to create a Discussion Board
Hi folks. Thank you for providing the WP Community this plug in. My basic question is that it is not clear to me how to create an actual discussion board, after i download and install your plug in.
After I installed you plugin
I saw Settings > Discussion Board appear on my Admin menuIf you click on this, you see 3 tabs
Options, Design, and Userokay, that is fine, but back up for a second.
How do I create a new instance of a Discusion Board?
put another way, I want to create a forum (or Discussion Board) called “My Message Board”do i create first a page or a post?
do I then paste a short code for that forum in a page (or post)?if so, where do I actually obtain this short code?
There seems to be no tab for this plugin that allows you to actually specify the name of a new discussion board.
sorry for sounding so clueless, but these are very basic questions about how to make use of your plug-in that are not clear at all in the documentation.then there is also this discussion in your install notes about login or registration forms and a short code called [discussion_board_login_form]
where do i specify this form? do you supply a way for me to create this? or is it do this done some other way through some other plug in?
put yet another way, exactly how is this registration form generated?thank you for your kind attention to this matter. I would appreciate an answer that is specific enough so that I can actually begin to test this plug in on my site.
again, thanks.
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