• anonymized-14293447


    I’m a newbie in this matter and I need some clarification. I followed the standard procedures for moving http to https, but once the links are updated in WP general settings, once define(‘FORCE_SSL_ADMIN’, true); is added to wp-config,
    and RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
    RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L]
    is added to htaccess, is there actually any need for this plugin?


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  • If your entire site is setup to run https then this plugin is not really mandatory but some plugins can cause some insecure content warnings and I have found this plugin really helps with those.

    I do have a few sites without this that work fine on https but I use only a few plugins on those.

    Hope this helps!


    I’ve been using the plugin for quite some time, but lately, due to the comparability issues with the newer WordPress versions, I had to figure out a solution.

    In my case, where I have access to the server WordPress is hosted on I ended up by redirecting all traffic from HTTP to HTTPS through the VirtualHost.

    <VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerAdmin [email protected]
        ServerName domain.tld
        ServerAlias www.domain.tld
        RedirectMatch permanent ^/(.*) https://domain.tld/$1

    It solved my issue and everything runs fine without the HTTPS plugin.

    Hi tbjornli
    Interesting, but what do you think in multisite configuration ?

    Don’t know about Apache. However, I’m running an Nginx server multisite (sub-directory) with individual (non-wildcard) ssl certificates for each domain without too many problems.

    Had to put in strong redirect/rewrites to force https across each domain and had to create multiple server blocks in the nginx configs to direct each domain to its own certificate.

    I’m getting ‘A+’ on SSLLabs test for each site with only occasional glitches due to WordPress database wonkiness and how it distributes plugins/uploads throughout the network (sometimes it uses the complete domain urls with sub-directories just to mess with me).

    It’s takes time, lots of freakin’ time. And patience–don’t forget patience.

    Good luck,

    BTW, I had never heard of the plugin before today–stumbled across this post looking for other CDN related issues.

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