• I’ve spent nearly 2 straight hours searching for an answer and I’m still confused.

    Can I confirm that it is not possible to blog by email using gMail and postie?

    If it is possible, could someone please post the exact postie settings you used?

    If it’s not, has anyone been successful w/a yahoo account?

    Thanks for any help.

    – david

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  • You can post via gmail and yahoo, but you need to do one of two things:
    1) send email using the “Plain Text” option in gmail and Yahoo
    2) Try the code fix below, which worked for me:

    It looks as though multipart messages aren’t being parsed correctly. I made a quick fix to wp-mail.php:
    Approx 165 lines in, you’ll see:
    if ($content_type == ‘multipart/alternative’) {
    $content = explode(‘–‘.$boundary, $content);
    $content = $content[2];
    $content = explode(‘Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable’, $content);
    $content = strip_tags($content[1], ‘<img><p>
    Just change the line that reads:
    $content = explode(‘Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable’, $content);
    $content = explode(“\r\n\r\n”, $content, 2);

    Guys – you can check out MessageDance. I have been helping them with beta testing.

    They do this quite well –



    Thanks for your post. It worked to me too. I’m using 2.5.
    Our blog is https://www.technewsbr.com
    One of the autors cannot post at work, directly. Now he will write via gmail.

    Thanks, again.

    what settings do you have for the gmail? what server and port did you put in for gmail?

    I used pop.gmail.com and 995 but wp-mail.php said connection timed out (110).

    which i think means its trying port 110?


    My name is Olivian BREDA. I think I’ve found a solution for a few of my blogs to be able to post via gmail. I want to share my solution with you.

    I’ve learned PHP myself just for this problem and I’m happy to be able to present you with my solution.

    You can find the wp-mail.php file created by on and details on the file on my blog:
    WordPress: How to use wp-mail.php correctly in Gmail blog posts? This is my solution.

    I use my solution on blogs using WordPress 2.5.

    I hope you’ll like my solution.

    If you have any feed-back, I’m happy to reply on my blog.

    WordPress, thanks for the great blogging platform! ??

    This cannot be this hard can it-I simply want to be able to post to my WP blog using my Yahoo and or Gmail email account. First easy question-just where would I send (what email address) my email?

    Second question, is there something beyond MessageDance which looks simple but doesn’t work or Olivian’s hack, which isn’t that simple but didn’t work either? I apologize, I just find this very frustrating. TIA.

    @llamaman — Excellent! Thank you so much.

    You must configure an email address on your server on which to send emails to;
    so if your site is greatsite.com, you’ll have to have an address like [email protected]. You can configure this address in the Settings area (or Options for older versions of WordPress); Then go to Writing Tab and voila. At the end of the page you’ll find these settings;

    You can read all about it here:

    I tried my best to make the PHP file work easily. Sorry it doesn’t. ??

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