You can find the default modules in /wp-content/plugins/above-the-fold-optimization/modules/localizejs/. You should copy the module structure to create a new module.
The module should contain (adminpanel) configuration HTML and basic settings such as update interval. You can also use several include options, e.g. WordPress native include or replacement of the file in the original (async) javascript source code.
An example (doubleclick-dc.inc.php):
* DoubleClick Google Analytics dc.js
* @since 2.3
* @package abovethefold
* @subpackage abovethefold/admin
* @author Optimalisatie.nl <[email protected]>
class Abovethefold_LocalizeJSModule_DoubleclickDc extends Abovethefold_LocalizeJSModule {
// The name of the module
public $name = 'DoubleClick Google Analytics (dc.js)';
public $link = 'https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2444872';
public $update_interval = 86400; // once per day
public $script_source = 'https://stats.g.doubleclick.net/dc.js';
public $snippets = array();
* Initialize the class and set its properties.
* @since 2.0
* @var object $CTRL The above the fold admin controller..
public function __construct( &$CTRL ) {
parent::__construct( $CTRL );
if ($this->CTRL->options['localizejs'][$this->classname]['enabled']) {
switch ($this->CTRL->options['localizejs'][$this->classname]['incmethod']) {
case "replace":
$this->CTRL->loader->add_action('wp_head', $this, 'setup_analytics_script', -1);
$this->CTRL->loader->add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', $this, 'enqueue_script', -1);
* Include script
public function enqueue_script( ) {
list($script_url, $script_time) = $this->get_script( true );
wp_enqueue_script( 'google-analytics-doubleclick', $script_url , array(), date('Ymd', $script_time) );
* Analytics object setup
public function setup_analytics_script( ) {
w['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=c;w[c]=w[c]||function(){ (w[c].q=w[c].q||[]).push(arguments); },w[c].l=1*new Date(); })(document,window,'ga');
* Parse Google Analytics javascript and return original code (to replace) and file-URL.
* @since 2.3
public function parse_analytics_js( $code ) {
* analytics.js
* @link https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/
* @since 2.3
if (strpos($code,'doubleclick.net/dc.js') !== false) {
$regex = array();
$replace = '';
if ($this->CTRL->options['localizejs'][$this->classname]['incmethod'] === 'replace') {
$regex[] = '#([\'|"])([^/\)\'"]+doubleclick\.net/dc\.js)[\'|"]#Ui';
list($script_url,$script_time) = $this->get_script( true );
$script_url = preg_replace('|^http(s)?:|Ui','',$script_url);
$replace = '$1' . $script_url . '$1';
} else {
* Remove async snippet
$regex[] = '#\(function\(\)([\s]+)?\{[^\}]+doubleclick\.net/dc\.js[^\}]+\}\)\(\);#is';
foreach ($regex as $str) {
$code = preg_replace($str,$replace,$code);
return $code;
* Admin configuration options
public function admin_config( $extra_config = '' ) {
$config = '<div class="inside">';
$config .= 'Include method: <select name="'.$this->option_name('incmethod').'">
'replace' => 'Replace URL in original code',
'native' => 'WordPress native script include'
$config .= '</div>';
parent::admin_config( $config );
* Parse HTML
public function parse_html( $html ) {
$html = $this->parse_analytics_js( $html );
return parent::parse_html( $html );
* Parse Javascript
public function parse_js( $js ) {
$js = $this->parse_analytics_js( $js );
return parent::parse_js( $js );
Let me know if you are able to get it to work! I am also interested in the created modules to add as new default modules.
Best Regards,
Jan Jaap