Hi there, if the page is completely blank and white you may be experiencing the infamous White Screen of Death. The PHP code is experiencing some significant coding problem.
Here are some ways to try to pinpoint the problem:
1. Deactivate the site’s plugins and switch the theme over to a default theme such as Twenty Fifteen. If the site is then working, try changing back the theme and reactivating the plugins one by one until the site breaks again. Once you find the source of the problem you can try adjusting settings, etc., until the site works. If you figure out it’s the theme or a particular plugin, you may want to report the problem to the developers.
2. If you have no luck with that and have access to your PHP error log, trying loading the site as a visitor and then going to the log to see what errors are being logged. That information will help us figure out what’s going on.
3. If you don’t have access to the error log but you can edit your wp-config.php file, briefly set the constant WP_DEBUG to true. Load the blank page and copy out any errors it displays, then set WP_DEBUG back to false. Do this only as a last resort.